Tutorials > Solving > Task 3–4: Solving Multiple ODEs with Solve Blocks
Task 3–4: Solving Multiple ODEs with Solve Blocks
Solve the Van der Pol equation. It describes the position and the velocity of a nonlinear spring system.
1. Define the system parameter ε and the time at which to end the solving.
2. Insert a solve block and enter the Van der Pol equation. Use the odesolve function to solve for X and Y as functions of time.
3. Plot the solution.
4. Copy and paste the solve block and parameterize the initial conditions.
5. Extract solutions for several initial conditions.
6. Plot the solutions.
The periodic solution (red) is approached spirally by every other solution.
7. Copy and paste the initial solve block and parameterize the system parameter ε.
8. Extract solutions for several system parameters.
9. Plot the solutions.
Proceed to Task 3–5.