Operators > Matrix Operators > Range Operators
Range Operators
Keyboard Shortcut
Returns a sequence of values, starting at x, with a step size of 1, and finishing at z.
Two periods
Returns a sequence of values, starting at x, with a step size of (y − x), and finishing at z.
x, y, z are real numbers.
Additional Information
If a range has units associated with it, you must specify the step size by providing a second value in the range. x, y, z must have compatible units. For example:
In a range definition, all the numbers must be real. They can be negative, decimals, or expressions that evaluate to real numbers:
If the last specified number in a defined range is not an integer multiple of the increment from the first number, the range stops short of this last value. For example, consider the following range:
The last value is 3, not π. This result can produce unexpected outcomes when graphing periodic functions.