Integrating with Other Products > API Guide > PTC Mathcad Prime Objects > Object: InputOutputConflicts
Object: InputOutputConflicts
This object represents the PTC Mathcad PrimeInputsOutputsConflicts COM object Ptc.MathcadPrime.Automation.IMathcadPrimeInputsOutputsConflicts.
This PTC Mathcad Prime COM interface provides an API to store multiple conflicts caused by the IOItem state setting.
AddGeneralError(Text as string)—Adds general error to be set.
Text is the error text.
AddGeneralWarning(Text as string)—Adds general warning to be set.
String is the warning text.
AddItemError(Alias as String, Text as string)—Adds item specific error to be set.
Alias is the item alias.
Text is the error text.
AddItemWarning(Alias as String, Text as string)—Adds item specific warning to be set.
Alias is the item alias.
Text is the error text.