Example: Piecewise Functions
Using the Kronecker delta (δ) and the Heaviside Step (Φ) Functions
1. Define the following piecewise function.
2. Use the
sign function to see whether various values returned by the function
f are positive, negative, or equal to 0.
3. Use the kronecker's delta (
δ) function to see whether the function returns the same value for two results.
4. Use the Heaviside step (
Φ) function to see the sign of the returned value of the matrix.
Using the Antisymmetric Tensor (ε) Function
1. Use the antisymmetric tensor (ε) function.
If the function's arguments are an even permutation of (0,1,2), then the function returns 1. For odd permutations, the function returns -1.
2. Call the function again with at least two identical parameters.
In this case, the functions returns 0.