Symbolics > Differences Between the Legacy and New Symbolic Engines
Differences Between the Legacy and New Symbolic Engines
The new symbolic engine introduced in PTC Mathcad Prime replaces the legacy symbolic engine used in previous releases of PTC Mathcad Prime. This replacement should be transparent, but there are some differences that users should be aware of.
Symbolic Engine Introduced in PTC Mathcad Prime
Legacy Symbolic Engine
User Impact
Assumes that undefined variables in the evaluated expressions are real.
Assumes such variables are complex.
Differences in evaluation. Results remain mathematically correct under assumptions made.
Assumes that undefined input arguments are real, but it accepts defined arguments in the form of a+b*1i or 2+5*1i.
Assumes such arguments are complex.
Differences in display of evaluation. Results remain mathematically correct.
In many cases, formulates evaluation results in a different way such as in the order of arguments and other visual differences.
Evaluate ex, specify the keyword series, and compare the result by the two engines.
Differences in display of evaluation. Results remain mathematically correct.
Returns results that are mathematically accurate even if they look different than what the legacy symbolic engine returns.
Evaluate Ai(z)/ and compare the result by the two engines.
Differences in display of evaluation. Results remain mathematically correct.
When using the symbolic keyword “float, n” to specify the precision of floating-point calculation results:
Variable n can be any positive integer.
The displayed value is the result of rounding-up the selected digits.
When using the symbolic keyword “float, n” to specify the precision of floating-point calculation results:
Variable n can be any positive integer between 1 and 250.
The displayed value is the result of rounding-down the selected digits.
No limit on digits used with keyword float.
Rounding difference.
Some evaluations of symbolic expressions that were not supported in the legacy symbolic engine are supported in the new symbolic engine. Evaluations of some symbolic expressions that were supported in the legacy symbolic engine are not supported in the initial release of the new symbolic engine but will be added in future releases.
Some evaluations that previously didn’t provide a result will now provide a result. Some evaluations will not provide a result in this first release but will be added in a later release.