Working with the Chart User Interface
You can use the PTC Mathcad Chart application user interface to customize your chart.
The application user interface window includes the following items:
The Left Side of the Title Bar
• PTC Mathcad Chart button

. Clicking this button opens a menu of options:
◦ Restore
◦ Move
◦ Size
◦ Minimize
◦ Maximize
◦ Close
• A Quick Access Toolbar that contains two options:
◦ Undo
◦ Redo
The Right Side of the Title Bar
• Minimize
• Maximize
• Close
The Left Side of the Ribbon
• File
• Traces
• Axes
• Chart
The Right Side of the Ribbon
• Minimize the Ribbon button—Expands and collapses the ribbon.
• Command Search button—Opens the command search tool.
• The help

button—Click to open the chart application help.
The Left Pane
A sidebar where you can enable and set chart, axes, and trace related parameters.
The Right Pane
A graphics area where the plot is displayed. Click the trace, the x-axis, or y-axis to open the relevant sidebar tabs.
The Task Bar
A zoom slider that allows you to zoom in or zoom out the plot area.