Release Notes > ThingWorx Kepware Server 6.11.718.0
ThingWorx Kepware Server 6.11.718.0
Version 6.11.718.0
December 21, 2021
OPC DA 3.0 / Terminology
Fixed an issue that prevented some OPC DA 3.0 writes.
Updated terms considered non-inclusive out of respect for users of our software in the following drivers and suites: Allen-Bradley DF1, Allen-Bradley Micro800 Serial, Allen-Bradley Server Ethernet, Allen-Bradley ControlLogix Server Ethernet, DNP Client Ethernet, DNP Client Serial, IEC 60870-5-101 Client, IEC 60870-5-104 Client, Modbus Plus, and Telemecanique Uni-Telway.
Persisting Fix / Device Discovery
Fixed an issue where some server config settings were not persisting.
Multiple devices can now be selected and added through Device Discovery.
Configuration API
Fixes & Updates
Added a REQUIRED attribute which identifies properties that are required when executing requests to create objects.
Added a server_only attribute which identifies properties that are for internal server use and should not be shown in UI clients.
The Project ID is now returned with all successful API responses (GET/PUT/POST/DELETE) as an HTTP header.
Added the ability to page, filter, and sort returned results.
Property validation errors are now returned as a JSON object with property names in a separate key-value pair.
Added an endpoint to query which ID type should be used for each device model.
Added a Health Status Endpoint to retrieve information about the REST service status.
Fixed an issue where the collection name was missing from some JSON response bodies.
Fixed an issue where using the HTTPS endpoint with an HTTP port could cause a crash.
Added X-Frame-Options, Content-Security-Policy, and HSTS headers to all requests.
Multiple failed attempts to authenticate username / passwords will now result in a ten-minute lock-out period for the user with failed attempts.
Fixed a memory leak associated with each request.
Invalid Characters / Language Change
Fixed an issue where renaming a user name with invalid characters, most notably a slash (\), would render the server unusable.
Fixed an issue where a language change failed to change in the tip info pop-up of the server admin system tray interface or in the demo warning pop-up message.
ThingWorx Native Interface
Thing Binding
Enhanced interface to allow more than 500 Things to be bound to a single server instance.
OPC UA Interface
Performance / Security / Out-of-Memory
Fixed a OPC UA Server performance issue with read requests when the MaxAge parameter is set to a value greater than zero.
When channel level encryption is set to None, the UserNameIdentityToken policy will now default to Basic256Sha256 instead of Basic128Rsa15.
Corrected the data type of the MinimumSampling Attribute of tag nodes.
The server now returns “BadOutOfMemory” when unable to service data to subscriptions due to out-of-memory conditions.
OPC DA Interface
New Project Settings
Added a new project setting for Maximum Connections that defaults to 512. Any connections after the maximum allowable are rejected.
Added a new project setting for Maximum OPC Groups that defaults to 2000. Any groups after the maximum allowable are rejected.
iFIX Native Interface
Added support for DefaultScanRate in iFix.
ABB Totalflow
DB2 Devices
Added the ability to request EFM data by days for DB2 devices.
Allen-Bradley ControlLogix Server
Removed non-inclusive terms out of respect for users of our software.
Renamed this driver in compliance with updated terminology.
Allen-Bradley DF1
Removed non-inclusive terms out of respect for users of our software.
Allen-Bradley Micro800 Serial
Removed non-inclusive terms out of respect for users of our software.
Allen-Bradley Server
Removed non-inclusive terms out of respect for users of our software.
Renamed this driver in compliance with updated terminology.
AutomationDirect DirectNET
Fixed an issue that prevented all communications with devices.
Max Items per Request / Tag Import Group / Device Discovery
Increased the supported values for Max Items per Request and set the default to 64.
Updated Tag Import Group default values to better represent what customers want.
Devices that are added through Device Discovery are now named based on the discovered device’s name, instead of putting that in the description.
Beckhoff TwinCAT
Automatic Tag Generation (ATG)
Fixed an issue that could cause some tags to fail generation during ATG.
ASCII Characters
Enhanced the V2.3 model to allow strings with extended ascii characters.
Log Items
Fixed an issue where a log item’s ID might be set to 0 instead of the correct value when using alphanumeric characters through the Configuration API.
Fixed an issue where renaming a Log Item could corrupt the Log Group.
Fixed an issue with the default sql data type when using wide format.
DNP Client Ethernet
Terminology / New Internal Tags
Removed non-inclusive terms out of respect for users of our software.
Renamed this driver in compliance with updated terminology.
Added new internal tags _DNPClientAddress and _DNPServerAddress that replace the deprecated _MasterAddress and _SlaveAddress tags respectively.
These deprecated tags will be obsoleted in a future release as part of PTC’s product inclusivity initiative; plan accordingly in anticipation of these changes.
DNP Client Serial
Terminology / New Internal Tags
Removed non-inclusive terms out of respect for users of our software.
Renamed this driver in compliance with updated terminology.
Added new internal tags _DNPClientAddress and _DNPServerAddress that replace the deprecated _MasterAddress and _SlaveAddress tags respectively.
These deprecated tags will be obsoleted in a future release as part of PTC’s product inclusivity initiative; plan accordingly in anticipation of these changes.
EFM Exporter
Timestamp / Pathnames
Fixed an issue where the PGAS Exporter would sometimes populate the incorrect START (trailing) or END (leading) timestamp.
Fixed an issue where the Exporter would not report an error when EFM export file pathnames were longer than Windows allows.
Enron Modbus
Added configurable property support for SCADAPack communication when using extended station IDs.
Fanuc Focas Ethernet
Added Support
Added support for the cnc_sysinfo call.
Extended the range for Tool Offset Number and Type limits.
GE Ethernet
Value Updates
Fixed an issue where values would not update after downloading a new program or changing the CPU in the device and restarting.
IEC 60870-5-101 Client
Removed non-inclusive terms out of respect for users of our software.
Renamed this driver in compliance with updated terminology.
IEC 60870-5-104 Client
Removed non-inclusive terms out of respect for users of our software.
Renamed this driver in compliance with updated terminology.
IEC 61850 MMS Client
Fixed timing related deadlock that could occur when initializing communications with an IEC61850 device with slow communications.
IoT Gateway
Deadband / MQTT Topic / Scan Rate / ISO Timestamp
Fixed an issue where very small deadband values would be truncated when exporting tags as CSV.
Fixed an issue where '$' would incorrectly be removed if it was the first character of an MQTT topic name.
Fixed an issue in the where the _PublishesSent and _DroppedEvents system tags were not updating. Fixed an issue where the Scan Rate specified in the tags was not respected.
Fixed instability issues that could occur on server startup.
Added the ability to specify different ISO timestamp formats in the payload.
Added the ability to publish additional tag attributes and a linefeed in the message templates. Refer to help for the full list.
Mitsubishi Ethernet
iQ-R Model / Data Updates
Fixed an issue where the Mitsubishi iQ-R model was using the Q model’s time synchronization format, causing an error and time synchronization to fail for iQ-R model devices.
Fixed an issue where the driver would send data change updates for string tags with no changes.
Modbus Ethernet
Unsolicited Sockets / Null Terminator
Unsolicited sockets are now only listened on when a device is pointing at a local IP address.
Fixed an issue where including a random character after the null terminator in the final word of even-length string writes.
Modbus Plus
Removed non-inclusive terms out of respect for users of our software.
OPC UA Client
Poll Mode / Tag Import / Deadband Value / Uncertain Quality
Fixed a timing issue that could cause a crash when using Poll Mode.
Fixed an issue where a malformed response from a UA server during Tag Import could cause a crash.
Fixed an issue where the Deadband Value property would always load "0" from JSON projects.
Fixed an issue where the driver would clear the values of tags with uncertain quality.
Siemens S7 Plus Ethernet
Siemens S7-1200 and S7-1500
Introduced this new driver to support communication with Siemens S7-1200 and S7-1500 controllers via the Siemens S7 Comm Plus protocol using symbolic addressing. The new driver supports the following:
Read and write the following Siemens data types: Bool, Byte, Char, INT, DINT, LINT, Word, DWord, LWord, REAL, LREAL, SINT, UDINT, UINT, USINT, ULINT, STRING, Date and Time (DT) - read-only, Time of Day (TOD), Time, S5Time, Date, OB_TOD.
Read and write members of complex types (array, structure, UDT instance, and DTL).
Access optimized and non-optimized data blocks.
Online automatic tag generation.
Access to password protected PLCs.
Communications with a PLC configured with TIA Portal V17 with secure communication enabled is not supported.
Device diagnostics.
Localized in English, German, Japanese, and Chinese.
Siemens TCP/IP Ethernet
ATG / TIA Portal
Fixed an issue where ATG on a structure would fail if the END_STRUCT had additional characters (such as a comment).
Fixed an issue with the TIA Portal Exporter that caused crashes when users provide invalid file paths.
Simatic/TI 505 Ethernet
Fixed an issue that caused the _PendingWrites tag to report numbers higher than the actual number of writes.
Fixed an issue encoding large integers in an SNMP OID.
Telemecanique Uni-Telway
Removed non-inclusive terms out of respect for users of our software.
Renamed this driver in compliance with updated terminology.
Toyopuc PC3/PC2 Ethernet
Significantly improved stability and reliability of driver through bug fixes and strategic enhancements made in collaboration with customers.
Universal Device
Profile Version 2.0
Updated profile version to 2.0.
Deprecated support for profile version 1.0.
Made timing settings user configurable for connection timeout, request timeout, and retries.
Added support for auto-demotion.
Added the required functions onTagsRequest and onData to enable new protocol types, including unsolicited and pub/sub. See help documentation and template scripts for more guidance on implementing profiles with advanced functionality.
Renamed the profile function GetDriverInfo to onProfileLoad to more accurately reflect the event that causes it to be executed.
Added support for inbound socket connections from remote clients, configured via the onProfileLoad function.
Renamed the profile function ValidateAddress to onValidateTag to more accurately reflect the event that causes it to be executed.
Removed the BuildMessage required function to support new profile functionality.
Existing profiles using BuildMessage should leverage the new onTagsRequest function instead.
Removed the ParseMessage required function to support new profile functionality.
Existing profiles using ParseMessage should leverage the new onData function instead.
Added the internal functions initializeCache, readFromCache, and writeToCache to facilitate tag cache management. See help documentation and template scripts for more guidance on leveraging this functionality.
Updated example scripts to reflect the change to profile version 2.0.
Added profile templates that describe the events a profile writer should handle to implement support for several communication models.
Added event log messages to provide more context in the event of a failure.
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