Using Kepware+ > Manage Channels
Manage Channels
Add a Channel to a Server
A channel represents a communication protocol to one or more external devices or PLCs. A channel can be used to represent a serial port, a card installed in the PC, an Ethernet socket, or an Ethernet-based path to target equipment. A channel and a device driver are closely tied. After creating a channel, only devices that the selected driver supports can be added to the channel. Channel names must be unique among all channels and devices defined.
1. Select the Server Configuration from the Configure menu.
2. Click to focus on the Connectivity tab.
3. Click +New Channel to configure a new channel.
4. Select a Channel Driver from the drop-down list and click Next.
5. Enter a valid Name for this channel (character limit, special characters).
6. Complete the remaining fields, which vary based on the driver selected.
7. Click Save to complete the channel creation.
Edit a Channel
Properties of a channel can be updated as configurations change.
1. Select the site where the server and channel reside from the drop-down lists.
2. Select the server to modify by selecting the checkbox for that row of the table.
3. Select the channel to modify by selecting the checkbox for that row of the table.
4. Alter the property you wish to change.
5. Click Save to complete channel creation.
Delete a Channel
Any channel can be deleted, but should be carefully considered; deleting a channel removes all devices, tag groups, and tags defined for that channel (in Kepware+).
1. Select the site where the server resides.
2. Select the server where the channel resides.
3. Select the channel to modify by selecting the checkbox for that row.
4. Click above the table.
5. Click Yes to confirm your intent to remove the selected channel.
See Also: Driver Manuals
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