Install the Kepware+ Agent > Installer Command Line Options
Installer Command Line Options
The agent installer supports the following command line options:
-d or --deviceName (REQUIRED)
The command to name the device to create in Azure. An argument (the name) following this command is REQUIRED.
-cs or --connectionString (REQUIRED)
The command to enter the Connection String for the device connection. An argument (the string) following this command is REQUIRED.
-a or --agreeToEula
The command to auto-agree to the End User License Agreement (EULA)
-delete or --deleteDevice
The command to delete the device in the IoT Hub
-skip or --skipDownload
The command to skip downloading the Azure IoT Edge Installer (NOT suggested - used for repeat installation)
-update or --updateRuntime
The command to update to the latest IoT Edge Runtime
-renew or --renewCerts
The command to renew the identity and certificates
The command to show version information
-?, -h, or --help
The command to show help and usage information
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