What is...?
What is a Channel? 
A channel represents a communication medium from the PC to one or more external devices. A channel can be used to represent a serial port, a card installed in the PC, or an Ethernet socket. A channel is used to represent an Ethernet-based path to target equipment.
Before adding devices to a project, users must define the channel to be used when communicating with devices. A channel and a device driver are closely tied. After creating a channel, only devices that the selected driver supports can be added to this channel.
Channels are defined by a set of properties based on the communication methods. Channels are created through the channel wizard (which guides users through the channel definition process), the configuration GUI, or the Configuration API service.
What is a Device? 
Devices represent the PLCs, controllers, or other hardware with which the server communicates. The device driver that the channel is using restricts device selection.
Devices are defined by a set of properties based on the protocol, make, and model. Devices are created through the New Device Wizard (at the initial setup and afterward), Edit | New Device, or the Configuration API Service.
Device names are user-defined and should be logical for the device. This is the browser branch name used in links to access the device's assigned tags.
What is a Tag Group? 
This server allows tag groups to be added to the project. Tag groups are used to tailor the layout of OPC data into logical groupings that fit the application's needs. Tag groups allow multiple sets of identical tags to be added under the same device: this can be convenient when a single device handles a number of similar machine segments.
Tag groups are defined by the set of tags contained. Tag groups are defined by clicking on a device, right-clicking and choosing Edit | New Tag Group or through the Configuration API Service.
What is a Tag? 
A tag represents addresses within the device with which the server communicates. The server allows both Dynamic tags and user-defined Static tags. Dynamic tags are created and stored in the client and specify device data addresses. User-defined Static tags are created and stored in the server. Static tags function as pointers to device data addresses and can be browsed from clients that support tag browsing.
What is the Alias Map? 
The Alias Map provides both a mechanism for backwards compatibility with legacy server applications as well as a way to assign simple alias names to complex tag references. This is especially useful in client applications that limit the size of tag address paths. Although the latest version of the server automatically creates the alias map, users can add their own alias map entries to compliment those created by the server. Users can also filter the server created aliases so that the only ones visible are their own.
What is the Event Log? 
The Event Log provides the date, time, and source of an error, warning, information, or security event.
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