Arbortext IsoDraw > Installing Arbortext IsoDraw > Licensing > Configuring Licenses
Configuring Licenses
Read the “License Management” chapter in your Customer Service Guide before you start configuring Arbortext IsoDraw 7.4 licenses. The general instructions in that chapter will prepare you for the Arbortext IsoDraw–specific licensing instructions below.
To configure the Arbortext IsoDraw software licenses you purchased:
1. Go to the home page and log into your web account.
2. Choose Support > Arbortext Support Center.
3. On the Arbortext Support Center page, click the Licensing tab.
4. Below Arbortext IsoDraw, click Configure New Software. This starts the licensing web tool program.
The licensing web tool steps you through the process of configuring your Sales Order Number to your hardware. It then creates license codes for the new software you purchased.
5. When the Configure New Software page appears, the licensing web tool is running. Follow the prompts and enter the required information listed below. (Use the web tool’s Continue and Reset buttons—not not the browser’s forward and back arrow buttons—to navigate in the web tool.)
Enter the PTC Sales Order Number (SON) used to purchase the software license(s) you want to configure.
Choose a set of software licenses to configure. There might be several available, and there might be others that were previously configured.
Specify the computer you want to assign the software license to using the computer's unique Host ID (called the CPU ID in the web tool).
You can configure licenses for software purchased with locked and/or floating licenses. You can also specify the server configuration as Single Server or Triad. (See License Types for license and server type descriptions.)
6. After license codes are created, they are stored on PTC’s servers. You can then use the licensing web tool to submit a request to have a license pack file containing your license codes sent to you. (See Receiving Your License Pack.)
After the license codes are created, you can use the licensing web tool to do any of the following at any time:
Reconfigure Software Licenses – move licenses (identified by Software Contract Number (SCN); i.e., the Sales Order Number plus CPU ID) to different hardware, or, consolidate licenses to a single server from a triad or break a triad into a single servers.
Retrieve Existing License Packs – Retrieve existing license pack files by SCN, CPU ID (Host ID) or Install Site (Site ID). The license pack will be sent to you by email. (You need to do this before you install Arbortext IsoDraw software.)