Save As: Different Location, File Name, or Extension
When you save a copy of a file with a different different location, file name, or extension, the copy is saved in the same native Arbortext IsoDraw format as the existing file by default. You can change the extension of the copy from .idr to .iso, or vice versa, without changing file content or compatibililty.
IDR or ISO is the native file format unless Use CGM as native file format is selected on the CGM Export preferences panel. If CGM is the native file format, the Save as command is not available in 3D mode because CGM is a 2D format. (See CGM in the Arbortext IsoDraw Data Exchange Reference.)
Open a new or existing file and then perform these steps to save a copy in the same native Arbortext IsoDraw format as the existing file with a different location, file name, or extension.
1. On the File menu, click Save as.
2. In the Save as dialog box, click the drive or folder where you want to save the file. The location you choose becomes the default Save location.
3. In the File name box, type a new or different file name with same extension or a different extension, .idr, .idrz, or .iso.
4. (Optional) In the Save as type box, click a file type to set the extension for the saved copy:
◦ IsoDraw Files (*.idr)
◦ IsoDraw Files (packed) (*.idrz)
◦ IsoDraw 7.2 Files (*.iso)
5. Click Save.
◦ If you did not change the location, file name, or extension of the copy, Arbortext IsoDraw asks if you want to replace the existing file. Click Yes to save and replace the existing file or No to cancel without saving.
◦ If you changed the file name, extension, or both—but not the location—Arbortext IsoDraw saves the copy with the different file name, extension, or both, in the same location as the existing file.