Arbortext IsoDraw > Data Exchange Reference > Image File Formats > JT > JT Adapter Preference Settings > Example JT Adapter Preferences File
Example JT Adapter Preferences File
Below is an example JT Adapter PRF file listing followed by explanations of the various preferences settings. You can change preferences, or leave them at their default settings.
# Arbortext IsoDraw ProductView Adapter Preferences File
# Comment lines start with the character '#'
# Adapter Preferences:
Extension: jt
# Valid language strings:
EN: JT Files
# TODO: Uncomment and adjust path
# Executable: D:\ptc\productview_adapters\bin\jt2pv.exe
# Recipe: D:\ptc\productview_adapters\recipe\jt2pv_import3d.rcp
# IsoDraw Preferences:
# HotSpot: 0 = None, 1 = Line, 2 = Region (not implemented)
Select_Assemblies: 0
Create_ObjectInfo: 1
HotSpot: 1
Scale: 100
JT Adapter File Type Settings
The Extension and language settings below control if and how the JT Adapter file type is displayed in the Files of type list in the Open dialog box.
Extension: jtEN: JT Files
The first line, Extension: jt, adds JT files to the Files of type list in the Open dialog.
The second line, EN: JT Files, specifies the language and describes the file type in that language.
The rules for JT Adapter language and file type settings in the second line are:
The language code must match the installed Arbortext IsoDraw user interface language. Valid language codes are:
The file type description (such as JT Files) can be any character string in the specified language, but it should clearly identify the file type.
Path Settings for JT Adapter Configuration Files
These path settings are mandatory.
The paths to the JT Adapter configuration program file and recipe files must be provided in the Executable and Recipe settings lines. You can specify these paths relative to either your ProductView Adapter installation or your Arbortext IsoDraw installation. Both path specification options are shown below:
Paths specified relative to ProductView Adapter installation:
Executable: ProductView-Adapter-install-path\bin\jt2pv_config.exeRecipe: ProductView-Adapter-install-path\recipe\jt2pv_import3d.rcp
Paths specified relative to Arbortext IsoDraw installation:
Executable: Arbortext-IsoDraw-install-path\Program\Adapters\JT\bin\jt2pv_config.exeRecipe: Arbortext-IsoDraw-install-path\Program\Adapters\JT\recipe\jt2pv_import3d.rcp
Do not attempt to edit JT Adapter recipe files. Improper settings in these files might corrupt the imported JT data or cause the JT import process to fail.
Arbortext IsoDraw-Specific Preference Settings
These preference settings are optional.
The preferences below affect how Arbortext IsoDraw-specific features are applied to imported 3D CAD data in imported JT files. These same preference settings are used by other 3D CAD file formats that Arbortext IsoDraw CADprocess supports. Whenever one of these settings is missing or commented out, Arbortext IsoDraw CADprocess uses the default setting.
# IsoDraw Preferences:
# HotSpot: 0 = None, 1 = Line, 2 = Region (not implemented)
Select_Assemblies: 0
Create_ObjectInfo: 1
HotSpot: 1
Scale: 100
Select_Assemblies Settings
Select_Assemblies: 1
The Selection of Structures dialog box appears when the JT file is opened. You can use this dialog box to select which assemblies are to be imported.
Select_Assemblies: 0
All assemblies in the JT file will be imported.
Create_ObjectInfo Settings
Create_ObjectInfo: 1
Creates object info for each assembly and enables you to select one of the Hotspot settings below:
no hotspot – object info is created for each assembly, but hotspots are not. Each assembly’s object name matches the name it was assigned in the system that originally generated it.
Lines of object – a hotspot will be generated for each object in addition to the object info. This allows you to trigger an action later by simply clicking the object.
Create_ObjectInfo: 0
The name Group will appear in the Object window in place of the object name for each assembly once import has been completed.
Hotspot Settings
Hotspot: 0
No hotspot generated
Hotspot: 1
Lines of object – actions triggered when you click the outlines of objects
Scale Settings
Scale: n
Scales imported objects in the JT file by a factor of n, where n is an integer from 1 to 100.