Arbortext IsoDraw > Macro Language Reference > About This Guide > About This Guide > Organization of This Guide
Organization of This Guide
This Arbortext IsoDraw Makro Sprachreferenz is organized as follows:
Gives you basic information about creating, running, debugging, and managing macros using the Arbortext IsoDrawMacros menu and IML. (See About Macros.)
Covers the lexical structure of IML, such as syntax and naming rules for command statements, variables, keywords, and comments. (See Language Basics.)
Describes macro commands that directly access features in Arbortext IsoDraw’s menus. For example, Objects Menu covers macro commands that correspond to options on the Objects menu.
Describes macro commands that directly access features in windows you can show or hide using Arbortext IsoDraw’s Window menu. For example, Palette Window Toolbox describes macro commands that correspond to tools in the Palette window.
Covers commands you can execute in Arbortext IsoDraw CADprocess 3D mode if the current drawing contains 3D CAD data. (See 3D Commands.)
Contains useful commands for macro development tasks such as debugging, file handling, and running extensions. (See Further Macro Commands.)
Provides commands that enable macros to display messages, prompt for keyboard input, and respond to mouse events. (See Interacting with the User.)
Describes IML-supported functions that can evaluate mathematical expressions, interpret character strings, return or track time, apply logical conditions, and control program flow. (See Functions.)
Defines single-value data in IML used for integers, floating point numbers, character strings, and boolean (true/false) values. (See Simple Data Types.)
Defines multi-value data in IML; data types that have multiple properties with values that can be returned or set separately. (See Complex Data Types.)
Describes four “objects” in IML; uniquely complex data types that have large numbers of properties. The objects’ names are: document, element, layer, and application. The first three objects return and set attributes for Arbortext IsoDraw documents, elements, and layers. The application object returns and sets preferences for both user interface functions and data exchange. “Sub data types” are also discussed in this section, since they can be used to access attributes of document or application objects.
Lists international names for IML object attributes. Use these names rather than language-specific attribute names to ensure that your macro will run regardless of the currently selected Arbortext IsoDraw language. (See International Names.)
Provides a list of IML file format names for use in the EXPORT and PROCESS commands. (See IML File Format Names.)
Lists CGM profiles and their corresponding numbers returned and set in the app.cgm.profile property of the Application object. (See CGM Profile Numbers and Names.)