Arbortext IsoDraw > User's Reference > Palette Window Toolbox > Text > Vertical Text Entry
Vertical Text Entry
You can also type in text vertically using both text tools.
If you use the Text tool, hold down the SHIFT key and click on the required point in your illustration, you can write from the bottom upwards. Text is positioned to be read from the right. If you hold down the SHIFT key and ALT key and click the mouse, your text will be written from the top downwards. The text is positioned to be read from the left.
If you select text box tool (Drawing of text inside a rectangle), the same keyboard commands apply for vertical entry. When selecting from bottom upwards, the insertion cursor is at the bottom left of the box and if you select from the top downwards, the insertion cursor is at the top right of the box.
Your may at any time rotate the text elements to the desired angle.