Arbortext IsoDraw > User's Reference > Palette Window Toolbox > Text > Selecting Text Elements
Selecting Text Elements
When you create a new text element it naturally contains no text. When using the Text tool, the insertion cursor flashes at the point where you have clicked. When using Text tool with box, it flashes at the top left-hand corner. The insertion cursor and paragraph sign will follow any entries you now make. The insertion cursor always flashes in front of the position where the next character will be entered.
The attributes of the newly entered text will be based on the settings in the Text menu or the active text format. These settings will include the font, the font size and the font face. If you now change one of these settings, e.g. select a different font, text entered after this will be governed by the new attribute. Text entered before the new setting will remain unchanged.
In the case of tabs, the change of setting will always affect the complete paragraph between two paragraph signs, i.e. the text already entered. The same also applies for text formats.
However, should you wish to change the attributes of a text element subsequently or to delete it, you must select it first. To do this, move the insertion cursor in front of the first character or behind the last one you want to select. Now press the mouse button and move the insertion cursor over the text to be selected. The text is now highlighted in the selection color. You can also make selections using the arrow keys while holding down the SHIFT key. If you want to select a word, double-click it with the mouse.
You can also select the entire text. You do this by choosing Edit > Select all, or, by double-clicking a text element with the arrow cursor.
All commands you give now relate directly to the selected text element. Key in a number of characters, for example: the selected text will be overwritten. Or press the DELETE key to delete the selection. If you now select a different font, only the selected text will be changed. The font size and face will also apply for the selection only.
Changes to tabs or text formats always apply to the entire paragraph between two paragraph signs, i.e. they may also be applied to text which has not been selected.
Leading, alignment and character fill can be changed at any time, even if no text has been selected. These attributes always apply to the entire text element.