Arbortext IsoDraw > User's Reference > Menus > Window Menu > Show Attribute Window > Editing Text Formats > Modifying Format Attributes
Modifying Format Attributes
Each text format must have an unambiguous name. The name of the standard format Normal cannot be changed.
Enter the required font here. All the available fonts will be displayed.
Size, Face, Leading
You can select the required value for each attribute from the pop-up menu.
If you click the Tabs button, the following dialog box appears:
In Position, enter the location where the tab stop is to be positioned, and select the type of tab in Alignment. If you click Set, the tab is confirmed and the position appears in the box on the right. Delete deletes the last selected tab.
Clicking on Cancel exits the dialog box. Your entries or modifications are ignored. Confirming with OK applies the set tabs to the text format.
A full description of font attributes and tabs can be found in the sections on the Text menu.
Creating a New Text Format
Click the New button to create a new text format. This format initially adopts the attributes of the last format displayed. Assign the text format a unique name. If a text format with that name already exists, the following warning window appears:
Confirm with OK and change the name. You can now change the settings as required.
If you have clicked New by mistake or want to abort the creation process, you can delete the text format as described below.
You can also create a new format by selecting the New format command from the pop-up menu.
Deleting a Text Format
You can delete the format currently displayed by clicking the Delete button.
The standard format Normal cannot be deleted.
The text format will be deleted immediately if it is not being used for text elements. Otherwise, a substitute format must first be defined for assigning to the affected text elements:
The new format must be assigned immediately to prevent conflicts. This assignment cannot be undone. Consequently, the program will ask you for final confirmation if you click OK:
Click No if you do not want to make the changes. Click Yes to assign the new format with immediate effect. While you can still cancel the Text format dialog box afterwards, the assignment of the new format will be retained.
Font attributes that have been used subsequently on text elements that used the deleted text format are retained. If you have subsequently put a word in italics, for example, the substitute format will not affect this.