The settings under Preview determine if ISO drawing files are saved with an embedded (TIFF bitmap) preview image or not. They also let you adjust the values of TIFF preview image properties.
If an ISO file has an embedded preview, the preview image will appear:
• In the Open dialog box when Preview is selected and you click the ISO file name. (To display the Open dialog box, choose > > .)
• In Windows Explorer when you choose > and open the folder that contains the ISO file
Preview preference settings are described below:
Generate preview
◦ When selected, Arbortext IsoDraw generates a TIFF preview image of your drawing and saves it in the drawing ISO file. The preview updates whenever you save changes to your drawing.
◦ When cleared, no preview is generated. Saving an ISO file that has a preview while Generate preview is cleared removes the existing preview.
Fixed width
(This setting is only available when Generate preview is selected.)
◦ When selected, you can type a width for the TIFF preview image and select the width units. The height is set proportionally. (Previews are typically displayed as thumbnails or in small frames, so the default width is 256 pixels.)
◦ When Fixed width is cleared, the preview image will fit the width of the frame it is displayed in, with a height proportional to the displayed width.
TIFF preview image settings
Click Options to open the TIFF dialog box and adjust image settings for the TIFF preview. These are the same image settings as those under Export on the TIFF preferences panel. The factory settings in this dialog box are different, however.
For example, the default Resolution is 72dpi for TIFF previews and 200dpi for (typically larger) exported TIFF files. The factory settings for TIFF previews are also optimized for black and white line art rather than color renderings.
For TIFF image setting descriptions and instructions, see the TIFF section in your Arbortext IsoDraw Data Exchange Reference.
Embedding a preview image will increase the size of an ISO drawing file. File size is most affected by the dimensions and complexity of the ISO drawing and the value of the preview image’s Resolution (dpi) setting.
To find out how much an embedded preview increases the size of an ISO file, save the ISO file without a preview, then save it with a preview under a different file name. Compare the sizes of the two files.
You can define the default file update method when placing a file. The default setting is Notify when changed.
You can still control the Update option per file in the Placed File dialog box when placing a file, but the default setting is controlled by theLink2Source preference.