Arbortext IsoView > Programmer's Reference > Arbortext IsoView Basics > Redlining
This technology enables you to add “information” to an existing illustration.
To do so, Arbortext IsoView version 4 introduced some new tools. To use these redlining tools you have to start the redlining mode either using the toolbar button, or by calling the Iso4StartRedlining method. (See Iso4StartRedlining.)
While running in Redlining mode Arbortext IsoView you can draw freehand lines and other graphical primitives and to add textual annotations.
After adding redlining information to the illustration you have can export these for later use.
With Arbortext IsoView version 5 the Iso5ImportRedlining method was introduced to re-import the redlining layers for display later. (See Iso5ImportRedlining.)