CLI Reference > Configuration Management Commands > si viewcps
si viewcps
displays all open change packages created by you
si viewcps [--fields=field1[:width1],field2[:width2]...] [--filter=value] [--height=value] [--width=value] [-x value] [-y value] [--query=value] [--hostname=server] [--port=number] [--password=password] [--user=name] [(-?|--usage)] [(-F file|--selectionFile=file)] [(-N|--no)] [(-Y|--yes)] [--[no]batch] [--cwd=directory] [--forceConfirm=[yes|no]] [--[no]persist] [--quiet] [--myReviews] [(-g|--gui)] [--settingsUI=[gui|default]] [--status=[none|gui|default]] [--[no]persist] issue|issue:change package id...
si viewcps displays all open change packages created by you.
This command takes the universal options available to all si commands, as well as some general options. See the options reference page for descriptions.
displays change packages you are to review (which may include change packages not created by you). Change packages only appear in the list after they have been submitted for review. After you vote on the change package, it no longer appears in this list.
the Integrity Lifecycle Manager query used to find change packages. For information on creating and using queries, see the reference page for this command.
controls the persistence of CLI views.
allows you to select fields to be printed, specified in the format field1[:width1],field2[:width2].... Specifying the column [:width] (in pixels) for each field is optional - widths are only available with the -g or --gui options. Under the CLI the fields are separated with a space.
The fields available for printing can be one or more of the following:
displays the date the change package was closed.
displays the change package type.
displays the date the change package was created.
displays change package descriptions.
displays change packages IDs.
displays change package summaries.
displays the issue ID if the Integrity Lifecycle Manager integration is enabled.
displays the list of change packages propagated by the change package (the list is displayed by default for propagation change packages).
displays the list of change packages that propagated the change package.
displays the IDs of the change packages that were reverted by the change package being viewed.
displays the IDs of the change packages that reverted the change package being viewed.
displays the current state of the change package.
displays the Integrity Lifecycle Manager server the change package resides on.
displays the status of the change package.
displays the username who created the change package.
displays the change packages according to one of the following filters:
displays change packages based on specified issue ID.
displays change packages according to their state, which can be one of the following:
:closed specifies that the change package is in a closed state (all changes committed to repository).
:open specifies that the change package has in an open state (work in progress, available to add entries too).
:submitted specifies that the change package has been submitted for review.
:accepted specifies that the change package has been accepted by all reviewers.
:rejected specifies that the change package has been rejected by at least one reviewer.
:discarded specifies that the change package has been discarded.
:commitfailed specifies that the change package has failed to commit to the repository.
displays change packages based on the type of change package.
displays closed change packages based on a specified closed date. Valid date formats are the following: between MM/dd/yyyy and MM/dd/yyyy, in the last|in the nextnumberdays|months|years yesterday|today|tomorrow.
displays change packages based on a specified creation date. Valid date formats are the following: between MM/dd/yyyy and MM/dd/yyyy, in the last|in the nextnumberdays|months|years yesterday|today|tomorrow.
displays change packages based on the type of project element they contain.
specifies a text string to filter change packages by member name.
specifies a text string to find change packages with members belonging to a specified project. This includes all change packages on the mainline of the specified project, as well as those on variants of the project.
finds change packages with members that exist only on the mainline (or main trunk) of any project. To find change packages on the mainline of a specific project, you must add the project filter.
specifies a text string to find change packages with members that exist only on a specified project variant.
specifies a text string to filter change packages by their description.
specifies a text string to filter change packages by their summary.
type[:add|:addfromarchive|:drop|:import|:exclusivelock|:nonexclusivelock|:movememberto|:movememberfrom |:renamefrom|:renameto|:update|:updatearchive|:updaterevision|:createsubproject |:addsubproject|:addsharedsubproject|:configuresubprojectfrom|:configuresubprojectto |:movesubprojectfrom|:movesubprojectto|:dropsubproject]
displays change packages based on their entry type.
displays change packages based on their entry category.
displays change packages that have an associated issue.
displays change packages that have not yet been accepted or rejected by a specified reviewer.
displays change packages created by a specified username.
displays change packages accepted by a specified username on a specified date. Valid date formats are the following: between MM/dd/yyyy and MM/dd/yyyy, in the last|in the nextnumberdays|months|years yesterday|today|tomorrow.
displays change packages rejected by a specified username on a specified date. Valid date formats are the following: between MM/dd/yyyyandMM/dd/yyyy, in the last|in the nextnumberdays|months|years yesterday|today|tomorrow.
See the diagnostics reference page for possible exit status values.
Using si setprefs or si viewprefs, you are able to set or view the preference keys for this command.
See Also
Commands: si add, si ci, si closecp, si co, si cpissues, si createcp, si drop, si lock
Miscellaneous: ACL, diagnostics, options, preferences