Changing Encrypted Passwords on Integrity Lifecycle Manager server
You can run the command to change encrypted passwords directly on the Integrity Lifecycle Manager server by specifying command options as follows:
encryptPassword -c|--changePassword passwordName=passwordValue
• encryptPassword runs the application for password encryption.
• -c|--changePassword specifies the option for changing existing encrypted passwords on the Integrity Lifecycle Manager server.
• passwordValue is the value you assign to the password. Strong passwords have more than eight characters, and include both upper case and lower case.
For example:
encryptPassword -c im.password=seSamE
You can also change multiple target passwords on the Integrity Lifecycle Manager server. You can also change multiple target passwords on the Integrity Lifecycle Manager server by using space-separated command options, for example: by using space-separated command options, for example:
Integrity Lifecycle Manager serverencryptPassword -c mks.dbPassword=password1 im.password=password2si.anonymousPassword=password3
The following procedure outlines the mode for the encryptPassword application where no options are specified and you are presented with a text menu to guide you through the change process.
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