Database Creation Options
Best practice is to create the required databases prior to installing the Integrity Lifecycle Manager server. This section is intended to be used along with the applicable installation steps.
MS SQL Server
1. Select MS SQL Server and click Next. The Set Up Database panel displays options for the MS SQL Server.
If you are installing the Integrity Lifecycle Manager server with a named instance of an MS SQL Server database, you must specify the database instance to allow the Integrity Server to connect to the database. To specify the database instance, add ";<instance name>" to the database name field. For example: Database: abc_prod;instance=abc_1. You do not need to specify database instance information if you are using the default MS SQL Server database instance.
2. Specify the following information, and click Next to continue:
◦ Server Hostname where the MS SQL Server database is located
◦ Server Port is the connection port for the database
◦ Database name of the MS SQL Server database
◦ MS SQL Server Database Login Name
◦ MS SQL Server Database Password
◦ If you are installing the Integrity Lifecycle Manager server with a named instance of an MS SQL Server database, specify the MS SQL Server Database Instance to allow the Integrity Server to connect to the database. To specify the database instance, type ";<instance name>", for example, abc_prod;instance=abc_1. You do not need to specify database instance information if you are using the default MS SQL Server database instance.
1. Select Oracle and click Next. The Set Up Database panel displays options for Oracle.
Specify the following information:
◦ Server Hostname where the Oracle database is located
◦ Server Port is the connection port for the database
◦ Service Name (database service identification)
◦ Oracle Database Login Name
◦ Oracle Database Password
Do not use sys, system, or internal for the database login name. If you do, the database is inaccessible to your users.
Embedded (for Proxy-Only Server)
1. Select Embedded and click Next.
This option installs Apache Derby, a multiple connection database designed specifically for embedding inside Java™ applications. The Derby database is located within the Integrity Lifecycle Manager server and cannot exist on a remote machine.
Due to concerns about scalability and robustness, do not use Derby for production servers. Integrity Lifecycle Manager supports Derby on pure-proxy FSA servers (servers that do not host a repository) only.
Copying a Derby database from one host to another where the operating system changes from Windows to UNIX or vice versa is not supported.
2. Choose an option:
◦ Create a new embedded database.
◦ Copy previous installation’s embedded database data.
You cannot copy the previous installation’s embedded database data if it was used as an RCS repository.