im edittrigger
edits an event trigger
im edittrigger [--name=name] [--type=[scheduled|rule|timeentry|copytree|branch|label|testresult|lock|unlock]] [--runAs=user] [--query=[user:]query] [--position=<number>|first|last|before:<name>|after:<name>] [--description=value] [--frequency=[manual|hourly|daily|monthly]] [--script=filename] [--scriptParams=[arg=value[;arg2=value2...]]] [--scriptTiming=pre|post|pre,post|none] [--assign=[field=value[;field2=value2...]]] [--rule=value] [--copyRule=trigger] [--ruleFile=filename] [--hostname=server] [--user=value] [--password=password] [--port=number] [(-?|--usage)] [(-F file|--selectionFile=file)] [(-N|--no)] [(-Y|--yes)] [--[no]batch] [--cwd=directory] [--forceConfirm=[yes|no]] [--quiet] [-g|--gui] [--settingsUI=[gui|default]] [--status=[none|gui|default]]trigger
im edittrigger edits an event trigger for workflows and documents. For example:
im edittrigger --query=RequestsForChange sendmail
changes the query for the sendmail trigger to RequestsForChange.
Inactive values are not accepted in trigger assignments. If you specify inactive values for a trigger assignment containing existing user, group, or project field values, the existing values are cleared. For multi-valued user and group fields, the entire trigger assignment definition is cleared even if you specified one inactive value.
This command takes the universal options available to all
im commands, as well as some general options. See the
options reference page for descriptions.
• --name=name
specifies the new name of the trigger. May be a maximum of 100 characters and cannot contain square brackets.
• --type=[scheduled|rule|timeentry|copytree|branch|label|testresult|lock|unlock]
specifies the type of trigger. If you do not specify a type, rule is specified by default. If you specify timeentry, the values for --rule, --ruleFile, --runAs, --frequency, --assign, and --query are ignored.
Scheduled event triggers are evaluated on the Integrity Lifecycle Manager Server’s time zone.
• --runAs=user
specifies the user for a scheduled trigger. All modifications appear as though they were made by the specified user.
• --query=[user:]query
specifies the name of the query to use for a scheduled trigger, and the username of the person who created the query.
• --position=<number>|first|last|before:<name>|after:<name>
specifies the position of the trigger in the run order.
• --description=value
specifies description of what the trigger does.
• --frequency=[manual|hourly|daily|monthly]
specifies the frequency of a scheduled trigger. May be the following:
[hourly [start=[00:]mm] [hours=00,01,...,23]]
[daily [start=hh:mm] [days=mon,tue,...]]
[monthly [start=hh:mm] [day=1-31] [months=jan,feb,...]]
• --script=filename
specifies the filename of the script, for example, scriptfile.js. The script must be located in the following directory: <installdir>/data/triggers/scripts.
• --scriptParams=[arg=value[;arg2=value2...]]
specifies the list of script arguments.
• --scriptTiming=[pre|post|pre,post|none]
specifies if the script should be run pre, post, both pre and post on issue commit to the database, or no timing is associated with the script. If you do not specify an option, none is specified by default.
• --assign=[field=value[;field2=value2...]]
specifies the list of field assignments.
• --rule=<rule>
specifies the rule to associate with the trigger. For the rule syntax, see Specifying Rules on the
options reference page.
• To specify a date and time for a date field, use the MM/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss [AM|PM] format. You can specify a time only if the date field is configured to display the time. To specify the current date and a time of 00:00:00 (midnight) for a date field, type today. This option can be specified only if the date field is configured to display the date. To specify the current date and time for a date field, type now. This option can be specified only if the date field is configured to display the date and time. To specify an empty value for the date field, type none.
• When specifying a user, you can choose yourself by specifying "me". "me" is a symbolic user which refers to the currently logged in user. For example, you could create an event trigger that specifies Project issues can only be edited if the currently logged in user is one of the users defined in the multi-valued Stakeholders field.
• Configuration management project fields are invalid in event trigger rules.
• --copyRule=trigger
copies the given trigger's rule as it exists at the time of the copy. This does not create a a pointer to another rule.
• --ruleFile=filename
specifies a file containing the rule text. See --rule for notes on the command use and where to obtain file format information.
• trigger
specifies the name of the trigger you want to edit.
See Also