im changesegmentproject
changes the project defined for an entire segment, including all referenced or included subsegments
im changesegmentproject [--project=project][--[no]recurseInclude][--[no]recurseReference][--[no]subSegment][--user=name][--hostname=server][--password=password][--port=number][--quiet][(-?|--usage)][(-F file|--selectionFile=file)][(-N|--no)][(-Y|--yes)][--[no]batch][--cwd=directory][--forceConfirm=[yes|no]][-g|--gui][--settingsUI=[gui|default]][--status=[none|gui|default]]segment id...
im changesegmentproject changes the project for an entire segment, including all referenced or included subsegments. The project on every node in a segment must be the same as the project on the segment root.
For example:
im changesegmentproject --project=/Test2 4
You cannot modify projects for shared items in Integrity Lifecycle Manager. Running this command on a shared item has no effect.
This command takes the universal options available to all
im commands, as well as some general options. See the
options reference page for descriptions.
• --project=project
specifies the project you want to change to for the segment or subsegment.
To restrict access to specific information in documents, all documents are subject to visibility rules set by your administrator. You must have visibility to the project you want to change to for the segment or subsegment. For more information, contact your administrator.
• --[no]recurseInclude
specifies that the project will be changed on all nodes included or referenced by the Segment ID. If this is not specified, only the segment root project changes.
• --[no]recurseReference
specifies to change the projects associated with all referenced included subsegments parented by the specified segment ID. To learn more about included subdocuments, see the Integrity Lifecycle Manager Help Center.
• --[no]subSegment
changes the subsegment's project if the node specified references a subsegment. --subSegment has no effect if none of the selections are a reference to a segment root. If the node references a shared issue or the option is clear, the segment root is changed.
• segment id...
the ID of the segment or nodes containing the project you want to change.
To restrict access to specific information in documents, all documents are subject to visibility rules set by your administrator. You must have visibility to the segment or node containing the project you want to change. For more information, contact your administrator.
See Also