About Home and Topic Pages
The Help Center for your application consists of a home page and topic pages.
When you click > in your application, the table of contents opens. From this page you can perform the actions listed below:
• Search the Help.
• Browse through topics in the table of contents and open topics.
The topic pages in the Help consist of the table of contents in the left pane and the topic in the right pane. The banner and search box also appear when you are in a topic.
A navigation path to the topic you are viewing appears above the title of the topic. This path gives you a point of reference and you can click any topic in the trail to go to that topic.
Related Links appear at the bottom of many topics. Click a link to go to the topic and click the back button for your browser to return to the original topic.
On the top-right corner of the page a button is available for printing your topic.