Finding Parts and Service Information > Searching for Part and Service Information > Search Operators
Search Operators
You can use the following types of search operators in a PTC Arbortext Content Delivery search:
Types of Searches
car and engine
car engine
Returns results that include both car and engine, although not necessarily together.
car or engine
Returns results that include either car or engine. The results do not need to include both words to match the search query.
car not engine
Returns results that include car, but do not include engine.
Nested searches
((car or engine) not train)
Returns results that include car or engine, but do not include train.
“car engine”
Returns results that include only an exact match for the phrase "car engine." You must enclose phrase searches within quotation marks.
* (a wildcard character that represents zero or more characters)
part number 12*
Returns results that include part numbers that begin with 12, such as part number 12344, part number 1278884, or part number 121.
The * wildcard cannot be used in phrase searches.
If you use this operator in your search, PTC Arbortext Content Delivery does not provide search suggestions.
? (a wildcard character that represents one character)
part number 1?3
Returns results with part numbers that begin with 1 and end with 3, such as part number 123, part number 113, or part number 103.
The ? wildcard cannot be used in phrase searches.
If you use this operator in your search, PTC Arbortext Content Delivery does not provide search suggestions.