PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Publishing and Loading > Additional Information > TAL Customization > Customizing for a Non-DITA Bundle > XML Data Structure
XML Data Structure
The xml data from a non-DITA bundle must follow the structure that is mentioned in the following example snippets for supported data categories in PTC Arbortext Content Delivery. Any other type that is not covered in the following example snippets must be added in a similar way.
Root element: Each XML requires one root element as the parent for enclosing other elements. inservice_root is the root XML element of xml and must be declared in class of xml in the following format for customization matching.
Title: To render a title in the PTC Arbortext Content Delivery UI, a non-DITA XML file must have a class path as mentioned in the following XML code snippet for customization matching.
Paragraph: To render a paragraph in the PTC Arbortext Content Delivery UI, a non-DITA XML file must have a class path as mentioned in the following XML code snippet.
Images: To render images in the PTC Arbortext Content Delivery UI, a non-DITA XML file must have a class path as mentioned in the following XML code snippet. This is required to support the ISO, ISOZ, PVZ, CGM, SVG, JPG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, JPEG, and PNG image formats. Following example is for a JPEG image.
PVZ toolbar might not work on Chrome. To make it work, check the view stylesheet and provide all the required attributes needed.
Internal link to other documents: For internal links, update assets at two locations—IEXML Type definition and IEXML View Stylesheet.
IEXML Type definition: Type definitions have many properties. For internal links, update LinkMappings that contain AnchorGroup. For internal links, two AnchorGroups are defined as follows.
IEXML_SOURCE: To mark the current link formation as source.
IEXML_TARGET: To set this document as the target.
In the source anchor, update the XPATH to match the class name of your link data.
In the following image, update the highlighted part.
The Type definition is shown in the following code snippet.
IEXML View Stylesheet: Copy the following template from defautExtView.xsl to CustomView.xsl and update the class (highlighted part) with the class name mentioned in the data.
Check Before Transform: The following image shows the code snippet for IEXML internal links in the bundle.
In the image, href points to the target document that opens when the link is clicked.
The following snippet shows the XML mapping file that contains entries for all XML files in the bundle. The XML Code column is used to uniquely identify each XML file in bundle. These codes must be used in href, to define the file that opens when the internal link is clicked.
For example, if you use Example1.xml from the bundle and it contains link href=”PC11”, you get target document as PullCart, when the link is clicked.
External Link: To render external links in the PTC Arbortext Content DeliveryPTC Arbortext Content Delivery UI, a non-DITA XML file must have a class path as mentioned in the following XML code snippet.
Search: No changes are required to apply search on non-DITA XML content. You can see in the following snippet from the IEXML.xml Type definition file that search is applied on FULLTEXT.
PTC recommends that you keep FULLTEXT enabled.
GIE: No changes are required while processing GIE information.
Print: No changes are required in the document for printing the document.
Filters: To filter any content in XML in the PTC Arbortext Content Delivery UI, a non-DITA XML file must have a class path as mentioned in the following XML code snippet. For effectivity to work properly in the UI, you must use the exact syntax that is mentioned in the following snippet.
The following image shows a snippet of OptionsChoicesDefinition file that contains entries of different options and choices in the bundle. You can use Option_Code and Choice_Code from this file in the input XML file for filtering.
For more information on how to apply filters on content, see Using a Filter in the PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Help Center.