PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Publishing and Loading > Additional Information > TAL Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting SIM/SP Publishing
Troubleshooting SIM/SP Publishing
The following sections include information about troubleshooting and collecting information in SIM/SP and Arbortext Publishing Engine.
Setup for SIM/SP Publishing Troubleshooting
If problems with publishing in SIM/SP occur and the issue is reproducible, use the following steps to begin the analysis process:
1. Ensure that the publishing engine is recording transactions by setting the 'com.arbortext.e3.transactionArchive.selector parameter to all in the PE-install-path/e3/e3/WEB-INF/e3config.xml file so that all transactions are archived.
2. For smaller publishing jobs, turn on the debug and verbose flags using the publishing parameters.
a. Edit the publishing rules for your product.
b. Identify the publishing set that applies to your job.
c. Add the following work parameters to the rules:
<worker name="">1</worker><worker name="">1</worker>
Capturing SIM/SP Publishing Troubleshooting Data
Once you have configured the setup configurations, you can re-run your job and capture information after the job completes or fails.
For some of the following steps, you will need the server name and port for your Arbortext Publishing Engine server.
1. Capture the Windchill Visualization Services (WVS) monitor page for your WVS job on the Windchill server as an HTML page.
2. Capture the transaction from the transaction archive page:
3. Capture the Arbortext Publishing Engine support information ZIP from the Arbortext Publishing Engine server page:
4. If bundle publishing, capture the bundle produced on the Arbortext Publishing Engine server from the directory configured to your publishing rules. This directory will typically be accessible as a share.
The captured information should be sent to the product support specialist.
Collecting Transaction Archives
In your e3config.xml file, modify the following two rules and set them both to 0 (disabled):
Setting these rules to 0 will make retrieving payloads from the transaction archive easier if there is a problem. It will consume some disk space, but if it becomes an issue, the transactions can be purged manually.
<Parameter name="com.arbortext.e3.transactionArchive.maxAge" value="48" /><Parameter name="com.arbortext.e3.transactionArchive.maxSize" value="500" />
Collecting Performance Times
It is recommended that you include the following publishing rule in all of your publishing attempts: = true
This rule produces a table in the log with a breakdown of how much time the publishing engine spent on various parts of publishing (setup, service application work, core Arbortext Publishing Engine work, bundle creation).
The following rule should also be set to true:
com.ptc.arbortext.wvs/includeMilestoneTimesInWorkerLog = true
This rule produces a table in the sisworker log with a breakdown of how much time was spent creating the ZIP file, sending the ZIP to Arbortext Publishing Engine, and waiting for a response.