PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Publishing and Loading > Additional Information > TAL Overview > Transform Aggregation and Load (TAL) Components > Transform Specific Stylesheets
Transform Specific Stylesheets
On the Publisher system, various transform specific stylesheets are defined to convert bundle input into the Type Specific XML file that can be later be used by PTC Arbortext Content Delivery. All the related data types being transformed fall into the following categories:
Data types stored using the template paradigm (parts, part relations, partslist, product instances, BOM, and so forth)
Data types converted to table of contents skeleton objects (PH, IS, and PS)
General XML files such as IE XML
These stylesheets are located in the INS_CONFIG/Applications/ContentManager/Config/Common/Templates/TransformationDriver directory.
Customization should be done on the customization stylesheet included by the type specific XML files. The stylesheets include a root customization stylesheet and additional stylesheet fragments.