PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Publishing and Loading > Additional Information > TAL Customization > Adding Thumbnail Images for IE Objects
Adding Thumbnail Images for IE Objects
Thumbnail images can be displayed for the following objects through customization:
Parts List
IE Graphic
In every XMD transformation stylesheet for these objects, the template for a thumbnail is available in following format:
<xsl:template match="Metadata" mode="THUMBNAIL">
OOTB, there won't be any thumbnailList.
Following structure should be generated in customizated template:
<thumb info="">{Image Source Name}</thumb>

Examples of Image Source Name:
<xsl:param name="IEXMLFileName"/>
You can find the stylesheets in INS_CONFIG/Applications/ContentManager/Config/Common/Templates/TransformationDriver.
The template receives a parameter that holds the complete path of the source file in the input bundle for an object. In the customization stylesheet, you can overwrite this template with priority=2.
Using the customization template, you can write logic for Image Source Name that will be output as <thumb>. On completion of the Transform task, you can confirm the output generated in the object’s corresponding .xmd file.
Once <thumbnailList> and <thumb> information is generated during the Transform task, which points to the required image source, the image is loaded and displayed in the PTC Arbortext Content Delivery user interface.