PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Publishing and Loading > Additional Information > TAL Overview > The TAL Process > Bundle Locking
Bundle Locking
Bundle locking enables synchronization when loading bundles of the same type into the system. Every Px Bundle contains the following two different types of data:
Data specific to a collection
Data specific to the common PART and PARTRELATION specific collection
Every bundle gets locked at the family level and part level. The following locking logic is used:
1. Check whether the family is locked or not.
2. If a lock is found, queue up the current flow.
3. Otherwise, trigger the transform of the bundles.
If the bundle contains part specific data, look for the locking aspects of the PARTS Collection before processing that data.
4. Complete the transform.
5. Trigger the load for the collection and all specific data and remove the locks.
To identify locking scenarios; look in the following locations for the lock specific file: