PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Publishing and Loading > Additional Information > TAL Customization > Adding Debug Points in Transform Stylesheets
Adding Debug Points in Transform Stylesheets
During transformation, you can generate logs or notification messages at various log levels (such as info, warning, error, or debug). This information can be used for debug purpose or to send the error logs to authors and administrators whenever there is a failure. These messages are usually grouped per user group and sent to respective recipients.
To use this feature, follow these steps in the object specific sub flow:
1. Initiate a create notification flow for the type.
For an example, see the createStartNotif node in the type specific sub-flows such as PartsSubFlow_PD.xml.
2. Execute an object specific transform node with createNotif parameter.
In the transformation, invoke the template named tlog from the transformation with following parameters whenever you want to log some message:
Notification folder location
Unique file name for each message
Note that there can be multiple messages in a stylesheet, so be sure to create a unique filename.
Type of notification
Three types of notifications are available in the TAL environment: Info (the default), Error, and Warning.
Level of log
In the stylesheet, you can create notifications with various levels such as 10, 20, 30 and so forth. 10 is basic level of logs such as error or warning, 20 is moderate, and 30 is debug level logs. During transformation, you can pass the log level to generate only log level specific notifications. Make sure you are comparing this with log level value passed during transformation.
Sequence ID of the message (in order to sort the messages)
Start and end message have serial number 01 and 99 respectively. Note that two messages can have same sequence number.
Type of object
Expected recipient (default value set to admin as well as author)
Notification message
3. End the notification flow for the type (See the createEndNotif node in the type specific sub-flow).
Once the transform aborts, completes, or fails, you can go to the TALNotifications folder and see the generated consolidated logs.