PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Administration > Profiles
Profiles allow administrators to grant user privileges and to control access to parts and service information for different user communities, including individual users or service groups. There is no limit to the number of profiles to which an individual user or a service group can belong. If a user or service group belongs to multiple profiles, they can access all parts and service information available from the full set of profiles. (To view all profiles to which a user belongs, and to see the net result of a user’s profile membership, see the Users utility.)
PTC strongly recommends creating separate profiles for granting users privileges and for granting service groups access to parts and service information.
PTC Arbortext Content Delivery users can be associated with OEM profiles, service group profiles, or a combination of both types of profiles. In the case where a user is associated with multiple profiles, the following logic applies for determining the Products, Information Elements, and Privileges settings available to the user from the profiles:
For profiles at the same level (OEM or service group), the union of these settings applies.
For profiles at different levels, the intersection of the Products, Privileges, and Information Elements settings from the profiles applies.
Launch the Profiles utility by clicking Profiles on the administration home page.
For each profile, the name and context in which the profile was created are displayed, along with the description (if any), and the date on which the profile was last updated. Profiles created at the PTC Arbortext Content Delivery level display a context of Site, while profiles created within a service group display the service group name.
Choose the context for which you want to view profiles by selecting one or more service groups from the Select service groups to view their profiles field. Click the field to see a drop-down list of all available contexts, or enter text in the field to filter for particular context names. Choose OEM to view the profiles created at the PTC Arbortext Content Delivery level. Remove individual contexts from the view by clicking the X next to their name. Remove all contexts from the current view by clicking the X next to the field.
Enter text in the Find Profiles field to further filter the profiles list by name.
From the Profiles utility, you can take the following actions:
Create a new profile by clicking Create Profile. On the empty profile page, enter the name and optional description for the profile, and select the profile type. The name must be unique, and cannot be edited after the profile has been created. Click through the tabs to define the profile information. Click Save to create the profile.
View and edit a profile by clicking the name of the profile. On the profile page, click through the tabs to view and edit the profile information. Click Save to commit the changes.
To view and edit a profile created within a service group from within the context of that service group, select Choose a Service Group from the menu icon , and select that service group. When finished, return to the PTC Arbortext Content Delivery context by clicking the blue arrow , or by selecting OEM in the Choose a Service Group window.
The service group administrator is notified of any changes made to profiles within their service groups by the PTC Arbortext Content Delivery administrator the next time they log in.
Delete a profile by clicking the delete icon next to the profile. Deleting a profile does not delete the users or service-group or any other information like products, Information Elements or privileges associated with that profile.
Load a profile by clicking the Load Profiles link on the top right-hand side of the page. You can load data using xml files only as xml is the only file format supported. Currently there is a limitation for loading profiles that only a 100 MB file is allowed. However, this is configurable.
When viewing an individual profile page, return to the main Profiles utility by clicking the Profiles link in the breadcrumb navigation.
Viewing and Editing Profile Information
The tabs on the profile page are used to view and define profile information. When you have finished entering or editing the profile information, click Save.
Profile identity information
Name—Name of the profile. The name must be unique, and cannot be edited after the profile has been created.
Select Profile Type—Select the type of profile, Technician or Public, based on the intended use of the profile. Profiles created in previous releases may need to have this value set the next time that the profile is edited.
The list of available profile types can be configured by editing the following file: codebase.war/com/ptc/sc/configs/profileTypes.xml
Description—Description of the profile.
The product information to which users associated with this profile have access. Use the expand icon and collapse icon to view and hide the hierarchy nodes.
To include all product hierarchies in this profile, click Select All. Selecting an individual node in the product hierarchy tree includes that node in the profile, as well as all child nodes currently present, and any that are added in the future. Any node for which some items are selected displays a Partially Selected indicator. When you select all items for a node, the indicator disappears.
Information Elements
The information elements to which users associated with this profile have access, both information types and additional access options, if any.
Click the blue arrow next to Information Types or an additional access option to expand that section. Within each section, select the individual options to include, or choose Select All to include all items within the section in the profile.
For more information, see Customizing Access Options.
Some information elements could be disabled according to the license agreement.
Select the appropriate privilege sets granted by this profile. Privileges sets include:
PTC Arbortext Content DeliveryAdministration—Ability to administer PTC Arbortext Content Delivery
Search All Parts—Ability to search for individual parts across all products.
The Search All Parts privilege is available only when Kits, Parts, and Parts Lists are selected in the Information Elements (IE).
Access Pricing and Availability—Ability to access pricing and availability information
Submit Orders—Ability to submit orders
Create Book Prints—Ability to generate a book printout of a user’s selection of service information
Create Notes—Ability to view, create, update, and delete notes
View Notes—Ability to view notes
Share Notes—Ability to view, create, and share notes
View All Feedback—Ability to view feedback submitted by all users
Activation—Ability to activate offline systems
Update Content—Ability to update the service information on offline systems
Download and Update Content—Ability to download and update the service information on offline systems
Share Lists—Ability to share shopping-lists with Service Group organizations
For more information on offline systems, see Deploying a PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Offline System in the PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Offline Systems Guide.
Some privileges could be disabled according to the license agreement. For more information, see About Licenses
Specify the attribute values which apply to this profile. All currently mapped enterprise attributes are listed.
If the Enable enterprise attributes synchronization check box for this profile is selected, then the enterprise attribute values of users in the system are checked against the enterprise attributes defined on the profile at regular intervals. For more information on enterprise attributes and how they are used by profiles, see Understanding Enterprise Attributes.
Add an attribute value to the profile by clicking the add icon next to the attribute, and entering the desired value in the Value field. Multiple entries with different values for a single attribute can be added. Multiple values can be specified for an attribute as a semi-colon-delimited list in a single entry if that is also supported in the enterprise identity management system. When multiple values are specified for a single attribute, new users only must match one of the multiple values.
If values are already specified for an attribute, click the blue arrow next to the attribute name to display the currently specified attribute values for viewing and editing.
Click the delete icon next to an attribute value to remove it from the profile.
Displays all users who are included in this profile.
Existing PTC Arbortext Content Delivery users can be explicitly added to the profile by searching for and selecting the user from the Find Users text field, even if they do not match the enterprise attributes defined for the profile. When adding users, ensure that the username is minimum two or more characters long for both the internal and external users.
Delete users from the profile by clicking the delete icon next to the user.
Service Groups
The service groups associated with this profile. All service groups present in the system are listed and available for selection.
Selected service groups have access to the products, information elements, and privileges granted by this profile. The service group administrator can further manage what the service group members can see, by creating more restrictive profiles within the service group.
If a profile with which a service group is associated is changed in any way, that change is automatically propagated to the service group profiles, if any.
If a user is a member of multiple service groups, only the profiles applicable to the service group with which they are currently bound are active for that session. If a user switches their service group binding, then the active profiles are those applicable to the currently bound service group.
If a service group is associated with multiple profiles, the service group has access to all information elements granted by the complete set of associated profiles.
Filter the list of service groups displayed by choosing Selected Only, Unselected Only, or All.
For more information, see Service Groups .