Loading Base Data
Use the following procedure to load base data.
1. Open the command prompt from <InS_HOME>\InS_SW\SW\Applications\Windchill.ear\bin
2. Open an Windchill shell by executing one of the following commands:
◦ On UNIX or Linux systems:
<WT_HOME>/bin/Windchill --java=<JAVA_HOME>/bin/java shell
◦ On Windows systems:
<WT_HOME>/bin/windchill.bat --java=<JAVA_HOME>\bin\java.exe shell
3. Execute one of the following commands:
◦ On UNIX or Linux systems:
windchill com.ptc.sc.loader.SCLoader baseset -u <username> -p <password>
◦ On Windows systems:
Windchill.bat com.ptc.sc.loader.SCLoader baseset -u <username> -p <password>