PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Customization > Customizing Shopping Parameters > Shopping Parameters Customization > Defining the Shopping Parameters
Defining the Shopping Parameters
An API, getShoppingParameters() on the interface is available to provide custom implementation for defining the shopping parameters. A shopping parameter is defined using the SCField conceptual model. For example, to define a shopping parameter named Customer a SCField can be constructed in the following way:
SCFieldList resultList = new SCFieldList();

//Define all the options for “customer” field
Map<String,String> customerValuesMap = new HashMap<String,String>();
customerValuesMap.put("customer1","Star Logistics");
customerValuesMap.put("customer2","PowerPlus Industries");

//Create the “customer” SCField
SCField customerField = new SCField("Customer", "combo", null, "customer",
//Add it to the SCFieldList
Additional parameters can be defined in the same way. For more information on SCField and SCFieldList see the JavaDoc.
For more information on registering a pricing delegate, see Pricing and Availability System Integration.