PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Customization > Search Customization > Search Customization > Facet Configuration
Facet Configuration
Facet configuration requires three steps:
Create a new search result field in the ResultFields section of INSERVICE_HOME\InS_SW\SW\System\Assets\Types\globalDefinitions.xml file.
For more information, see Adding a New Search Result Field in the PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Publishing and Loading Guide.
Configure the system to extract search information for the new field by modifying the INSERVICE_HOME\InS_SW\SW\Applications\Windchill.ear\codebase.war\com\ptc\sc\xconf\ file.
For example, if you wanted to add the new search result COLLECTION, modify the following three properties as follows:
<Property name=""
<Property name=""
<Property name=""
Note that the field names are separated by a comma with no spaces.
Configure the system to display the new field by modifying the INSERVICE_HOME\InS_SW\SW\Applications\Windchill.ear\codebase.war\com\ptc\sc\configs\facets.xml file.
The facet information for the search can be configured using facets.xml. The facet.xml also contains filtering information such as infoType, publicationType and so forth. A facet needs to be configured in facets.xml to render the facet information. Each facet group has the “type” attribute which corresponds to the internal identifier of the facet and “externalref” corresponds to the E3C identifier of the facet. Each group has a facet with “key” corresponds to facet item identifier and “labelKey” corresponds to label identifier information, “icon” information for the icon to be displayed and “label” corresponds to the default label to be displayed in case the translation is not available for the provided “labelKey”.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<facets bundle="">

<facet type="infoType" labelKey="INFORMATION_TYPES" label="Information Types" class="title"
selectable="false" externalref="IU" sorted="true" dynamic="true">
<facet key="Information" labelKey="INFORMATIONTYPE_INFORMATION"
label="Service Information" icon="InformationIcon" />
<facet key="partsList" labelKey="INFORMATIONTYPE_PARTSLIST"
label="Parts List" icon="partsListIcon" />
<facet key="kit" labelKey="INFORMATIONTYPE_KIT"
label="Kit" icon="kitIcon" />
<facet key="PART" labelKey="INFORMATIONTYPE_PART"
label="Part" icon="kitIcon" display="false"/>
<facet key="partOrphan" labelKey="INFORMATIONTYPE_PARTORPHAN"
label="Unreferenced Part" icon="kitIcon" />
<facet key="PI" labelKey="PRODUCT_INSTANCE"
label="Product Instance" icon="productInstanceIcon" display="false"/>
<facet key="IS_Chapter" labelKey="IS_NODE"
label="IS Node" icon="topicIcon" display="false"/>
<facet key="PH_Chapter" labelKey="PRODUCT"
label="Product Hierarchy" icon="productIcon" display="false"/>
<facet key="PS_Chapter" labelKey="PUBLICATIONTYPE_CHAPTER"
label="Publication Chapter" icon="publicationsIcon" display="false"/>
<facet key="IS" labelKey="IS"
label="IS" icon="topicIcon" display="false"/>
<facet key="PS" labelKey="PS"
label="PS" icon="publicationsIcon" display="false"/>
<facet key="Media" labelKey="MEDIA"
label="Media" icon="MediaIcon"/>