PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Customization > Customizing Languages and Locales > Customizing the PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Product Language > Customization Of Languages in PTC Arbortext Content Delivery > Adding Languages > Adding a New Language in the Document Content Action Menu
Adding a New Language in the Document Content Action Menu
The language menu in the document content footer will only display entries for those language locales that are actually available for that particular document. This menu uses the locales of the documents available translations to match to a predefined list of strings found in <WT_HOME>/src/com/ptc/sc/preference/language/SCContentLanguageRB.rbInfo. This file contains a predefined list of many common languages.
1. Copy the <WT_HOME>/src/com/ptc/sc/preference/language/SCContentLanguageRB.rbInfo file to <WT_HOME>/wtCustom/com/ptc/sc/ preference/language/.
2. Edit this file and add an entry for the new language that will be displayed in the UI. The entry should in this format: <key>.value=<translatedtext>
<key> is the locale for the language, using the Java locale format
<translated text> is what is displayed to the user in the UI, and should be the language name displayed in the native language. For non-ASCII characters, the corresponding Java Unicode escape values must be used. For example “\uxxxx” where xxxx is the hexadecimal value representing the UTF-16 code unit of the character.
For example, to add the Greek language with the locale of “el_GR”, the following entry should be added: el_GR.value=\u0395\u03BB\u03BB\u03B7\u03C5\u03B9\u03BA\u03AC
This will result in the following entry in the UI: Ελληυικά
3. From within a windchill shell, run the following command to build the resource bundle:
On a Windows system:
ResourceBuild true -Dbundle.output=% WT_HOME%\codebase.war
On a UNIX system: true -Dbundle.output=<WT_HOME>/codebase.war
For more information on the windchill shell see About the Windchill Shell.
4. Restart the PTC Arbortext Content Delivery server for the change to take effect.