PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Customization > Customizing Languages and Locales > Customizing the PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Product Language > Java Resource Bundles > Variables
Resource Bundles support variables, usually representing names or numbers. These are specified as {0}, {1}, {2} etc, with the number increasing for each variable. It is important to start at {0}, because starting at {1} will just print {1} to the screen without replacing it with anything.
For example:
@RBEntry("Page {0} of {1}")

@RBComment("Displays the page number that the user is looking at
where the results of a query are paged")

@RBArgComment0("Current page number that is being looked at")

@RBArgComment1("Total amount of pages")

public static final String PAGE_NUMBER = "PAGE_NUMBER";