PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Customization > Customizing Printing > The PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Book Print > Customizing Book Print > XSLT Parameters
XSLT Parameters
There are several XSLT parameters supplied to the print stylesheets. From customization perspective, the following are the most relevant:
lang: The set of language codes from the UI. For cover and TOC the values are separated by comma; for IE XML, graphics, and partlist, the separator is a hash mark #.
imageUrl: The cover image's URL.
config-folder: The folder reserved for print customizations, containing files like the print settings and XML catalog.
settings-file: Path to print-settings.xml.
xmlCatalog: Path to catalog.xml.
Although the print settings and XML catalog are in the same folder denoted by config-folder they each have their own XSLT parameter, to facilitate some later re-organization. The parameters imagesBaseUrl and sharedImagesBaseUrl are used when inserting images and icons.