PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Customization > Customizing Printing > The PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Book Print > PDF Bookmarks
PDF Bookmarks
The TOC also appears in the form of a PDF bookmark tree. This is created from stylesheet defaultPresentationToc.xsl which processes a list of documents selected for book printing and supplied as toc-root / toc-node XML markup. The same markup is used both for the Contents TOC and the PDF bookmarks generation.
The bookmarks are added through a named template call to insert-bookmarks and adhere to XSL FO 1.1 markup conventions. However, as the XSL FO engine supports including PDF content, the element fo:bookmark has two extra attributes in the namespace (usually associated with prefix stl). These attributes are used to target PDF documents and a location within PDF documents (stl:pdf and stl:pdf-loc, respectively).
Both the TOC and PDF bookmarks include titles from the context of the selected subdocuments. This information is passed by the Business Logic and two XSLT parameters (toc_levels and ph_titles).