PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Customization > Customizing Printing > The PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Book Print > Book Print Stylesheets
Book Print Stylesheets
The PDF book and bulk printing stylesheets take XML source and transform the content to XSL FO, with the PTC Arbortext Content Delivery FO engine and formatter rendering the content to PDF form.
Data types GRAPHIC, IEXML, and PARTSLIST (with folder by same name) each have a root print XSLT stylesheet defaultPrint.xsl. This includes additional stylesheets, including the customization stylesheet print-customizations.xsl in same folder as its corresponding defaultPrint.xsl stylesheet. The customization stylesheet lets you override or extend the styling in the usual XSLT manner, using template matches with higher priority, to customize the hard copy.
Common shared stylesheets and files are kept in the sibling folder Global. This folder contains:
localized-strings-file.xml : An XML file that contains translations for localized strings appearing in the PDF book (such as Quantity, Superseded, and various units).
localized-strings-from-file.xsl : This stylesheet defines a number of XSLT variables that represent localized content, resolved according to the language of the content (for IE XML) or to the current user preferences from the language selection in UI.
Templates Folder
The PDF Book printing uses from folder Applications\PrintServer\Work\Templates the following files:
cover.xml : An empty XML file used when creating the cover page. (This is empty because all content is actually generated by the stylesheet CoverPage.xsl).
CoverPage.xsl : The stylesheet that creates the cover page layout. : An XSL FO file that declares a header / footer and uses an extension of the XSL FO engine to embed PDF content.