PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Customization > Customizing Shopping Parameters > Integrating PTC Arbortext Content Delivery with a Third-Party Ordering System
Integrating PTC Arbortext Content Delivery with a Third-Party Ordering System
PTC Arbortext Content Delivery enables you to integrate with a third-party ordering system by using the placeOrder() method in a custom delegate. This mechanism, by which the orders are placed, can be customized to integrate with a third-party ordering system. For more information about the placeOrder() method, see the PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Javadoc.
PTC Arbortext Content Delivery is not integrated with any third-party ordering system by default. This section guides you through the process of connecting PTC Arbortext Content Delivery with an external ordering system. This enables the life cycle of the shopping order to continue after the Order action in PTC Arbortext Content Delivery is complete and connects it to a third-party transaction.
Based on your requirements, you can use a custom delegate in the placeOrder() method to do the following things:
Share customer-specific attributes (other than the default attributes) such as the dealer name which can impact the pricing of the items and the location which can impact the availability of the items in the third-party ordering system. You can share custom attributes by defining the shopping attributes for orders.
Obtain order details from the ordering system. The information or feedback received from an ordering system is saved by defining soft attributes for the order.
Obtain the cart information (such as name, owner, and notes) and cart items information (such as part number and quantity) from the order object in the placeOrder() method and pass this information on to the third-party order system for further processing.
For more information about adding soft attributes for orders, see Soft Attributes for Orders.
The custom delegate must implement the interface. For more information about creating custom delegates, see Creating Custom Delegates on the Server.
For example code to obtain or share order details between PTC Arbortext Content Delivery and a third-party ordering system, see Example Code for Integrating PTC Arbortext Content Delivery with an Ordering System.