PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Customization > Customizing the Login Page for PTC Arbortext Content Delivery > Configuring Authentication in PTC Arbortext Content Delivery > Configuring Alternative Authentication in PTC Arbortext Content Delivery > Form-based Authentication
Form-based Authentication
Most alternative authentication schemes are capable of populating the REMOTE_USER variable with the authenticating user ID. If not, then you must ensure that the servlet APIs return the appropriate value, using a custom servlet filter to wrap the HttpServletRequest. See Configure Custom Authentication Filter for more information.
Before you can configure PTC Arbortext Content Delivery for form-based authentication, you must select a form-based authentication solution and make any required modifications for its use with PTC Arbortext Content Delivery. There are a variety of form-based authentication solutions ranging from SiteMinder to the form-based authentication support built into JBoss. Although the individual configuration details are specific to the solution and are not documented here, the following sections include PTC Arbortext Content Delivery details that are important to understand. For details on setting up a form-based authentication solution, see the documentation provided by the solution.
Any changes you make to files that are delivered with your PTC Arbortext Content Delivery application should be treated as customized files that can be overwritten by PTC during any maintenance installation process. Ensure that customized files are backed up
Since the log out capability that is available with form-based authentication is not available with the default basic authentication and, therefore, is not described in detail in end user documentation, users may not be aware of the ability to log out. When rolling out a PTC Arbortext Content Delivery environment in which form-based authentication is enabled, alert users as to how they can log out. If you change the default log out behavior for the Log Out menu option (described later in this section), be sure to also communicate the new behavior to users.
Required Login Page Representation
As part of setting up a form-based authentication solution, you must establish a login page that produces a simple XHTML representation of your login form that can be used by clients (for example, Java command line utilities and browsers) to collect login data and post it to the URL specified by the wt.auth.form.submitUrl property. This page is necessary since non-browser clients need assistance in handling form-based authentication (which is, after all, an application convention intended for browser clients). Also login form allows browsers to detect when re-authentication is needed (after user session expires for example) and display the login form within the web application.
PTC provides the login.jsp file as the required login page representation. The file is located in <InService>/codebase.war/login. Since the login.jsp file is used to represent the credential data fields required by the login form, you can edit the file to include appropriate display labels and form field names.
PTC recommends that you do not use the login.jsp file as the actual login form configured for your form-based authentication solution.
HTTP Support for Form-Based Authentication
To support HTTP for servlet-based form authentication, remove the <secure> tag under the <cookie-config> section in the $INS_HOME/codebase.war/WEB-INF/web.xml file. By default, the servlet-based form authentication is supported for HTTPS.
PTC recommends using only HTTPS and not HTTP, as configuring the server over HTTP puts the data at risk over network. For more information about setting up your web server for HTTPS, see Configuring PTC Arbortext Content Delivery for HTTP Protocol in PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Deployment Guide
General Notes
The following notes can helpful when considering which form-based authentication solution to use and implementing required changes:
When implementing form-based authentication, you should be aware of how timeouts are handled. A default servlet session timeout of 30 minutes is set in <WT_HOME>/codebase.war/WEB-INF/web.xml. Additionally, you can provide an authentication timeout that is set within the form-based authentication solution. The authentication timeout is used whenever the form-based authentication solution is used and does not rely on the timeout of a servlet session.
When using a JBoss built-in form-based authentication, the session timeout and the authentication timeout are the same and are set in <WT_HOME>/codebase.war/WEB-INF/web.xml according to the J2EE standard. When using another file-based authentication solution, there are settings that can include an idle timeout as well as a hard timeout for limiting the maximum session duration.