PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Deployment > Advanced Configurations > Database Initializing and Data Loading > Manually Creating the Database Schema
Manually Creating the Database Schema
If you choose not to load data using the installer, you must manually load it after the installer installs your solution using the instructions in the section Database Initializing and Data Loading. However, in certain scenarios additional steps are needed to complete your installation. These scenarios are;
You choose to not automatically create schema and load data when installing using the installer.
You choose to not automatically create schema and load data when adding to an existing PTC Arbortext Content Delivery installation, using the installer.
You choose to skip loading base data using installer.
Loading e3c Schema
1. Open a Windchill shell by executing one of the following commands from a command shell:
On UNIX/Linux:
<WT_HOME>/bin/windchill --java=<JAVA_HOME>/bin/java shell
On Windows:
<WT_HOME>/bin/windchill.bat --java=<JAVA_HOME>\bin\java.exe shell
2. Load the database schema of PTC Arbortext Content Delivery by executing the following command:
<swDir>/utilities/ant/bin/ant -v -f <swDir>/utilities/create3cSchema.xml
-DswDir=<swDir> -Dhostname=<dbhost> -Dport=<dbport> -Dtype=<database Type>
-Dvendor=<database Vendor> -Dsid=<dbname>
-DdbName=<dbname>-Duser_CMIDB=<cmi_username> -Duser_3CDB=<e3c_username>
-Duser_CMIDB=<cmi_username> -Duser_E3CDB=<e3c_username>
-Duser_TitanDB=<titandb_username> -Dpassword_CMIDB=<cmi_password>
-Dpassword_TitanDB2=<titandb2_password> -Dpassword_TitanDB=<titandb_password>
where, <swDir> = Location of the software directory<dbhost> = Database hostname as entered in the installer during install<dbport> = Database port as entered in the installer during install<database Type> = Type of the installed database, for example, Oracle, SQL, or PostgreSQL<database Vendor> = Vendor of the database, for example, Oracle, Microsoft, or PostgreSQL<dbname> = Global Database Name (SID) or Service Name as enetered in the installer during install<cmi_username> = CMI schema user name as entered in the installer during install<e3c_username> = E3C schema user name as entered in the installer during install<titandb2_username> = TitanDB2 schema user name as entered in the installer during install
Examples of databases:
/data/ptcG800/<INS_HOME>/InS_SW/SW/utilities/ant/bin/ant -v -f
-Dhostname=hrz-slmorcl12 -Dport=1521
-Dtype=thin -Dvendor=oracle
-Duser_TitanDB2=TESTXT2 -Duser_TitanDB=TESTXT1
SQL Server:
D:\ptcG656\<INS_HOME>\InS_SW\SW\utilities\ant\bin\ant -v -f
D:\ptcG761\<INS_HOME>\InS_SW\SW\utilities\ant\bin\ant -v -f