PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Publishing and Loading > Additional Information > TAL Customization > Context Effectivity for Information Elements
Context Effectivity for Information Elements
You can now define and apply context effectivity for documents (Information Elements), on the Information Structure nodes (IS) level. Once this feature is enabled, the effectivity that is defined on the IS is cascaded to the IE.
By default, PTC Arbortext Content Delivery considers the effectivity on IE when IE has its own effectivity; if IE has no effectivity, the IS effectivity will be cascaded to IE.If you want to always cascade the IS effectivity on IE, then change the variable rolldownIfIEHasEff (in InS_SW\SW\ System\Assets\Types\globalDefinitions.xml) defaults from false to true.
This effectivity rolldown applies to any type of effectivity, model, Serial Number, Options and Choices, and Date effectivity.
By default, the variable rolldownIfIEHasEff is set to false.
The following example shows how this functionality works:
IS Root
IS Node1
IS Node2
IS1 (Sedan, SUV)
IE1 (Sedan)
Sedan, SUV
Sedan, SUV
Folder 2 (Sedan)
In the example, effectivity on the IS is SEDAN, SUV. When rolldownIfIEHasEff = true, the effectivity on the IE is the union of the effectivity for the IS with the IE effectivity is considered. In the example, IE1 and IE2 would apply to either SUV or SEDAN. However, IE3 and IE4 will get the effectivity from the corresponding IS node as they do not have any effectivity on them. This is irrespective of the rolldownIfIEHasEff flag.
In order to change the rolldown effectivity defaults on already loaded data you need to re-index the pre-loaded data; re-TAL is not needed. To re-index existing pre-loaded data, perform the following steps:
1. Run the RefreshAssestsInPM task.
2. Run the DeployAssets task with the following input parameters:
Site_groups set to the name of the site to which your data has already been loaded during transform and load.
Reset_Index set to true.