PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Customization > Customizing SIM Validations > Configuring Custom Validations for SIM Bundle
Configuring Custom Validations for SIM Bundle
PTC Arbortext Content Delivery enables you to add custom validations for SIM bundle using a copy of the customizedContext_XX.conf.xml configuration file located in the <INS_HOME>\InS_SW\Config\Applications\ContentManager\Config\BusinessLogic directory.
In the customizedContext_XX.conf.xml file name, XX represents the default numeric value for the file.
PTC does not recommend editing the default configuration file. Instead, you can create a copy of the default configuration file and add custom validations to the copied version of the file. The copied configuration file name must have a numeric value that is less than the default numeric value for the file.For example, if the default file name is customizedContext_3.conf.xml, then you can copy and save this file as customizedContext_2.conf.xml. You can then use the customizedContext_2.conf.xml file to add custom validations.
Hereafter, the copied version of the default configuration file is referred to as customizedContext_YY.conf.xml.
The custom validation must extend a default validation. For a list of default validations for SIM bundle, see Default Validations for SIM Bundle.
You must define a component for each validation in the customizedContext_YY.conf.xml file and include the validation entry under the SIMValidationScanner component of the customizedContext_YY.conf.xml file. For more information, about adding a custom validation, see Adding a Custom Validation for SIM Bundle
Defining Validations
A validation component in the customizedContext_YY.conf.xml file includes the following details.Element Description:
Component specifies the name of the validation component.
Creation specifies the method used for creating the component. The Type attribute for this element is always JavaObject.
Class specifies the Java class of the validation component. A Java class is a custom Java file that extends an existing default validation for SIM bundle.