Configure Microsoft Entra ID IdP in Azure AD B2C
1. In the Microsoft Azure portal, log in to a B2C tenant as the Global Administrator.
2. Under Azure services, click Azure AD B2C.
3. From the left pane, select Identity providers.
4. Click New OpenID connect provider.
5. On the Configure custom IDP page, enter details in the following fields:
Name – Your identity provider’s name in Azure AD B2C.
Metadata url – URL for the OpenID Connect discovery metadata document. The URL should start with "https://" and end with "/.well-known/openid-configuration".
Client ID – Client identifier for your application, which you have registered at the identity provider. Use the Client ID you created in Create an Enterprise Application in Microsoft Entra ID.
Client secret – The secret key associated with your client ID. Use the Client secret you created in Create an Enterprise Application in Microsoft Entra ID.
Scope – The value sent to the identity provider, specifying the requested level of claims and privileges.
User ID – The claim in which the identity provider will return the unique value for each user.
Display name – The claim in which the identity provider will return the user's display name.
Given name – The claim in which the identity provider will return the user's given name (also known as the first name).
Surname – The claim in which the identity provider will return the user's surname (also known as the family name or the last name).
Email – The claim in which the identity provider will return the user's email address.
6. Click Save.
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