PingFederate as the Central Auth Server > Configuring the Central Auth Server – PingFederate > Configuring PingFederate as the Central Auth Server Automatically
Configuring PingFederate as the Central Auth Server Automatically
Use the automation scripts that are provided by PTC to automate the following configurations of PingFederate as a Central Auth Server:
Signing certificates (X.509 SAML signing certificates)
Service provider connection
OAuth clients
While configuring PingFederate as a Central Authorization Server, you can configure one of the following as the IdP:
IdP Configuration
LDAP Password Credential Validator
IdP Adapter
Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS)
IdP connections
Generic SAML 2.0
The Generic SAML 2.0 allows you to install a generic IdP. For example, Shibboleth.
IdP connections
The following is a high-level overview of the steps that you need to perform to configure authentication with PingFederate as the Central Authorization Server automatically:
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