Known Issues in DPM 9.5.0
The following known issues and limitations are present in the DPM 9.5.0 release:
Known Issue
Tracking Number
Users should not directly modify the database.
Changes to the database schema must be performed through the supported services provided by the PTC.DBConnection.Database_TS Thing Shape and the PTC.DBConnection.Manager_TS Thing Shape.
Changes to stored procedures and functions that are provided by PTC are not supported. Stored procedures and functions can be overridden on upgrade, so any changes would be lost.
For sites or users in time zones that observe Daylight Savings Time (DST), query results and calculations which include the hour that is "lost" or "gained" during the change between DST and Standard Time may be off by an hour’s worth of data.
This issue will be addressed in a future release.
After updating the ideal cycle time for a material, existing job orders for the material are not updated with the new ideal cycle time.
Workaround: If you want job orders that have not yet started production (in the Pending or Dispatched states) to use the updated ideal cycle time, cancel the existing job orders and create new ones. The new job orders will reflect the updated ideal cycle time for the material.
Job orders that have already completed or are in production (in the Running or Held states) correctly use the previous ideal cycle time.
Very small scrap values (less than 0.1) appear as a blank in the Edit Loss Event window. The values appear as expected in the Event Log.
This issue will be addressed in a future release.
If a user is entering a value in the Enter Quantity field on the Time Loss Accounting window, and an automated event is received before that quantity is saved, the quantity is cleared.
This issue will be addressed in a future release.
When data automation is configured, if the ThingWorx server time is behind the time on the server where Kepware is installed, automated events coming from Kepware are ignored.
This issue will be addressed in a future release.
Some error messages in Administration are not fully externalized. Portions of these messages display in English even when the user interface is viewed in another language.
This issue will be addressed in a future release.
When you sort two or more columns available in Reason Trees, Job Orders, Materials, Metrics, Shifts & Calendars, and Scorecard, multi-level sorting behaves differently on different tables.
This issue will be addressed in a future release.
Automated events can be logged against an incorrect job order when the Kepware clock and the ThingWorx server clock are not synchronized.
Workaround: Ensure that the system clocks (the "Date & time settings" on Windows OS) on the Kepware server and the ThingWorx server are synchronized within 5 seconds and that this synchronization is maintained over time.
Scheduler, timer, or other pacemaker data processing is not occurring. For example, shift instances are not being created, or automated events are not being processed. A possible cause is the lock property being set to true on a related entity.
Workaround: Reset the lock property on the related entity to false.
The following table lists the entities with lock properties and their property names:
Any model (equipment)that implements or inherits PTC.TimeLoss.ModelLogic_TS
Any model (equipment) that implements or inherits PTC.OperationKPI.AutomationEventsModelLogic_TS
Any model (equipment) that implements or inherits PTC.MfgModel.AnalysisModelLogic_TS
When new work centers, materials, or shifts are added to an area, the existing time loss analytics data set for the area needs to be deleted and a new data set should be created. You can delete and recreate a data set from Area Settings > Pipeline Scheduling > Create Manual Push > Delete and Recreate Data Set.
This issue will be addressed in a future release.
Loss time added for scrap can result in more than 24 hours of total time loss for a single day.
When adding scrap to a job order, either by entering scrap loss events or when scrap counts are received through data automation, it is possible to over-account for scrap in a given production block. As a result, while the total time loss for the job order is accurate, it is possible for more than 24 hours of total time loss to be logged for the day to which the scrap is added.
For performance reasons, DPM aggregates data in 1 hour chunks, starting at midnight UTC. In Performance Analysis and Scorecard, this can result in query result inaccuracies for time zones with offsets that are not in full hour increments from UTC.
This issue can be seen in the following ways:
Discrepancies between waterfall and Pareto chart data. The waterfall chart uses aggregated data in queries, while Pareto charts query live data. The Pareto chart should be considered the more accurate of the two values.
24.5 hours of unaccounted time shown for a day at the edge of the query time frame if there was unplanned production during that time and if the user is querying from a time zone with an offset of :30 rather than full hour.
An extra day appears at the start or end of the trend chart for the query period, representing a small amount of data, such as 30 or 45 minutes. Because of data aggregation, the query offset uses full hours, even for time zones with offsets that are not in full hour increments from UTC.
For example, if the time zone is +5:30 UTC, the offset used by the query is +5:00 UTC. This means that rather than querying from midnight to midnight in that time zone, the data is actually queried from 23:30 to 23:30 in that time zone. As a result, a data point is displayed on the trend chart for the 30 minutes of the day prior to the start of the query period.
This issue will be addressed in a future release.
If the system has been idle for approximately 20 minutes or more, the following message can appear: ”You are disconnected from the server. Refresh the page to reconnect.”
Workaround: Refresh the page.
This issue will be addressed in a future release.
The AddJobOrderData service on the PTC.JobOrderImpl.Manager Thing does not validate that values are present for the Target Quantity and Material fields on the job order. If you create job orders by using the service directly from ThingWorx Composer, the job orders can be created without these required fields.
Workaround: Create new job orders using the Create Job Order screen in DPM, which includes validation for all required fields, including Target Quantity and Material.
This issue will be addressed in a future release.
The DPM building blocks code does not support the Participate in platform transactions option.
Workaround: You can make use of this option to perform multiple database transactions from a single service by using the ExecuteService service on the PTC.DBConnection.SQLThingDatabase Thing with the following inputs:
thingName—Name of the Thing which has the service to be executed.
serviceName—Name of the service to be executed.
params—If the service named in the serviceName parameter has input parameters, provide them here. If it does not, provide dummy input such as {"test":"test"}.
For more information about the transactions option, see Connecting to an External Database in the ThingWorx Platform Help Center. NOTE—The workaround does not support rolling back changes to the external database when other actions of the same ThingWorx Platform transaction fail.
This issue will be addressed in a future release.
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