The Scorecard tool provides a dashboard displaying the performance data of work centers across the enterprise using a predefined set of key manufacturing metrics. From the dashboard, you can view trends for individual metrics and drill down to view metric information at different levels of the equipment hierarchy. This tool helps manufacturing executives, plant managers, and supervisors visualize, analyze, and track progress at different levels of the equipment hierarchy. The data can be further leveraged by executives to understand the financial impact.
You can access this tool by selecting Scorecard from the navigation menu on the left.
The Scorecard main page
The metrics table displays the operational and performance data for all of the selected work centers in the filtered date range. The information on this page is read-only.
Total Time represents the total possible production time in hours for all work centers in the filtered date range and equipment. When the filter includes the current date or a future date, the total time is calculated up to the current time of the current day. For example, if there are 10 days in the filtered date range starting from a past date through today with the current time as 10:00, and the filtered equipment is a site with 7 work centers, then the total possible production time in hours is 1582, calculated as 9 days multiplied by 24 hours each day plus 1 day multiplied by 10 hours, multiplied by 7 work centers. In this case, the Total Time value is 1582 hours/9 days.
For each metric, the following columns are displayed:
Metric Name
The name of the metric.
The current status for the metric.
Red icon representing poor status of the metric. Poor—The status of the metric is poor.
Yellow icon representing OK status of the metric. OK—The status of the metric is OK.
Green icon representing good status of the metric. Good—The status of the metric is good.
Gray icon representing neutral status of the metric. Neutral—The status of the metric is neutral.
For more information on how these statuses are defined, see Status Threshold Tab.
The current value of the metric for the filtered date range. The displayed value is a positive number, rounded to one decimal place for metrics with a unit of measure as parts per hour or percent. The value for metrics with a unit of measure as parts, hours, or jobs are displayed as positive whole numbers. This value is calculated for the filtered date range.
The target value for the metric. The value is rounded to one decimal place for metrics with unit of measure as parts per hour or percent. The value for metrics with a unit of measure as parts, hours, or jobs are displayed as positive whole numbers. This column is blank if no target value has been specified for the metric.
For metrics with the aggregate roll-up behavior, the target value is normalized for the filtered date range. For example, a target value set to 100 parts each day is displayed as 700 if the filtered date range is 7 days. For more information, see Metric Roll-Up Behavior.
Percent Change
The percentage change from the start date to the end date of the filtered date range. This value is derived by comparing the actual values from the start date to the end date of the filtered date range and is rounded to one decimal place.
Green icon pointing upwards—An increase in percent change represents a positive trend. For example, Production OEE is positively correlated. An increase of 8.2% in Production OEE is shown as Green icon pointing upwards 8.2%.
Green icon pointing downwards—A decrease in percent change represents a positive trend. For example, Total Loss Hours is negatively correlated. A decrease of 3.5% in Total Loss Hours is shown as Green icon pointing downwards 3.5%.
Red icon pointing upwards—An increase in percent change represents a negative trend. For example, Scrap Rate is negatively correlated. An increase of 10.9% in Scrap Rate is shown as Red icon pointing upwards 10.9%.
Red icon pointing downwards—A decrease in percent change represents a negative trend. For example, Jobs Completed is positively correlated. A decrease of 5.2% in Jobs Completed is shown as Red icon pointing downwards 5.2%.
Gray icon pointing upwards—An increase in percent change for a neutrally correlated metric. For example, an increase of 2.1% in Total Production Time is shown as Gray icon pointing upwards 2.1%.
Gray icon pointing downwards—A decrease in percent change for a neutrally correlated metric. For example, a decrease of 2.1% in Planned Production Time is shown as Gray icon pointing downwards 2.1%.
A 0% change is represented as Green icon pointing upwards 0%. For neutral correlation, a 0% change is represented as Gray icon pointing upwards 0%. If the change is undefined, no value is displayed.
For more information, see Understanding the Percent Change.
You can sort the table on Metric Name and Status columns.
From the metrics table, you can drill down to analyze the trend and the hierarchy breakdown for individual metrics on the Metrics page. To open the Metrics page, select a metric and click View Metric. To view more information about drilling into a metric, see Viewing Individual Metrics.
To view more information about the metrics used in Scorecard, see Metrics List.
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